RooAddPdf "value is Not-a-Number, forcing value to zero"


I’m encountering a problem using RooFit in ROOT-5.28.00. I’m trying to define a extended LL fit model being the sum of a CrystalBall and an exponential but the fits don’t work and I’m getting strange messages such as :

“RooAddPdf::Trial_TotModel[ Trial_SigPdf + Trial_BkgPdf ] = [#0] WARNING:InputArguments – RooExtendPdf::expectedEvents(Trial_SigPdf) WARNING: RooExtendPdf needs non-null normalization set to calculate fraction in range 0x1f4a5f0. Results may be nonsensical
[#0] WARNING:Eval – RooExtendPdf(Trial_SigPdf) WARNING: nExpected = 100 / 0 for nset = ()
[#0] WARNING:InputArguments – RooExtendPdf::expectedEvents(Trial_BkgPdf) WARNING: RooExtendPdf needs non-null normalization set to calculate fraction in range 0x1f4a5f0. Results may be nonsensical
[#0] ERROR:Eval – RooAbsReal::logEvalError(Trial_TotModel) evaluation error,
origin : RooAddPdf::Trial_TotModel[ Trial_SigPdf + Trial_BkgPdf ]
message : p.d.f value is Not-a-Number (-nan), forcing value to zero
server values: !refCoefNorm=(), !pdfs=(Trial_SigPdf = 0,Trial_BkgPdf = 7.38906), !coefficients=()”

Could anyone please give me some help on that ? I’ve put a minimal example.

Thank you in advance, Olivier.

//Minimal example :
RooWorkspace * rooWorkspace = new RooWorkspace(“workspace”);
RooRealVar * x = new RooRealVar(“x”,“x”,0.,200.);

//Models for the trials
//Model function
RooRealVar Trial_mean2(“Trial_mean2”,“Trial_mean2”,9.5,7,12);
RooRealVar Trial_ResSigma(“Trial_ResSigma”,“Trial_ResSigma”,2.3,0., 10.);
RooRealVar Trial_alfa (“Trial_alfa”,“Trial_alfa”,1.6,0.1,10.);
RooRealVar Trial_n(“Trial_n”,“Trial_n”,2.3,0.1,10.);
RooCBShape* Trial_ResModel= new RooCBShape (“Trial_ResModel”,“Trial_ResModel”,*x, Trial_mean2, Trial_ResSigma, Trial_alfa, Trial_n);
//By default, background is modeled by an exponential
RooRealVar Trial_bgExpParam(“Trial_bgExpParam”, “Trial_bgExpParam”,0.02,0.,0.5);
RooExponential * Trial_BkgModel = new RooExponential(“Trial_BkgModel”,“Trial_BkgModel”,*x,Trial_bgExpParam);

x->setRange(“integralRange”, 8., 11.); //define the signal range
RooRealVar* Trial_Nsig= new RooRealVar (“Trial_Nsig”,“Trial_Nsig”, 100., 1.,1e4);
RooRealVar* Trial_Nbkg= new RooRealVar (“Trial_Nbkg”,“Trial_Nbkg”, 50. , 1.,1e4);
RooExtendPdf* Trial_ExtendedSigPdf = new RooExtendPdf(“Trial_SigPdf”,“Trial_SigPdf”, *Trial_ResModel,Trial_Nsig, “integralRange”);
Trial_ExtendedBkgPdf = new RooExtendPdf(“Trial_BkgPdf”,“Trial_BkgPdf”, *Trial_BkgModel,Trial_Nbkg, “integralRange”);
Trial_TotModel = new RooAddPdf(“Trial_TotModel”,“Trial_TotModel”,RooArgList(*Trial_ExtendedSigPdf,*Trial_ExtendedBkgPdf));



I’m getting the same warning/error for my fit. I’m using root 5.32.00-rc2 (compiled with gcc 4.6.1, on Ubuntu 11.10). I do the following:

int dilepton_mass_fitter_y3s()
  TFile * file_1 = new TFile("../rootout/force_cms/systematic_studies_0/fcm_0/plot1_Run7_type12_pidopt1.root");
  TH1D *  hist   = static_cast<TH1D*>(file_1->Get("dileptonmass0_mmnopid"));
  RooRealVar x("dilepton mass","dilepton mass/#sqrt{s}",0.88,1.03);
  RooDataHist dh("dh","dh",x,hist);

  RooRealVar mean("mean", "mean", 0.99, 0.98, 1.01);
  RooRealVar sigma("sigma", "sigma", 0.001,0.0, 0.1);
  RooRealVar alpha("alpha", "alpha", 1.2, 0.9, 2.0);
  RooRealVar n("n","n", 1, 0, 100);
  RooCBShape cball("cball", "Crystal Ball Shape", x, mean, sigma, alpha, n);

  RooRealVar mean_y2("mean_y2", "mean_y2", 0.965, 0.96, 0.97);
  RooRealVar sigma_y2("sigma_y2", "sigma_y2", 0.05, 0.0, 0.1);
  RooGaussian gauss_y2("gauss_y2", "gauss_y2", x, mean_y2, sigma_y2);

  RooRealVar mean_y1("mean_y1", "mean_y1", 0.91, 0.88, 0.93);
  RooRealVar sigma_y1("sigma_y1", "sigma_y1", 0.05, 0.0, 0.1);
  RooGaussian gauss_y1("gauss_y1", "gauss_y1", x, mean_y1, sigma_y1);

  RooRealVar nsig("nsig",  "#Upsilon (3S) events",1000,0.,100000) ; 
  RooRealVar nsig1("nsig1","#Upsilson (1S) events",400,0.,100000) ;
  RooRealVar nsig2("nsig2","#Upsilson (2S) events",400,0.,100000) ;
  //RooRealVar nsig3("nsig3","#Upsilson (3S) events",400,0.,100000) ;

//  RooRealVar mean_y3("mean_y3", "mean_y3", 1.00, 0.96, 1.04);
//  RooRealVar sigma_y3("sigma_y3", "sigma_y3", 0.05,0.0, 0.1);
//  RooGaussian gauss_y3("gauss_y3", "gauss_y3", x, mean_y3, sigma_y3);
//  RooAddPdf sum("sum", "cb+g1+g2+g3", RooArgList(cball,gauss_y1,gauss_y2,gauss_y3), RooArgList(nsig,nsig1,nsig2,nsig3));
  RooAddPdf sum("sum", "cb+g1+g2", RooArgList(cball,gauss_y1,gauss_y2), RooArgList(nsig,nsig1,nsig2));

  sum.fitTo(dh, Range(0.88,1.03), Extended(true));
  //cball.fitTo(dh, Range(0.96,1.04));

  RooPlot * frame = x.frame(Name("frame"), Title("Dilepton Mass"));
  dh.plotOn(frame, DataError(RooAbsData::SumW2)) ;

  gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.15) ; frame->GetYaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1.5);

  RooArgSet * params = sum.getParameters(x);
  return 0;

I’ve narrowed the problematic bit of code to:

sum.fitTo(dh, Range(0.88,1.03), Extended(true));

If I changed Extended(true) to Extended(false), the macro runs and produces a fit. I’m unsure if this is a general problem with using the Extended(true) – or if I’m just not doing the fit properly.


dilepton_extended_true.txt.gz (22.9 KB)
dilepton_extended_false.txt (13.8 KB)

Greg, may I ask you to remove “Range” from your macro?
Does it help to get rid of errors?
I’ve switched to new root (and roofit 3.50) and get strange nan’s with my macro (everything was good with root 5.30.02).
When I don’t use “Range” option everything gets better.
No idea how these nan’s can be obtained. I’ll try to reproduce my problem with a minimal amount of code.


Thanks, that appears to work. To summarize the change, I did the following:

sum.fitTo(dh, Range(0.88,1.03), Extended(true), SumW2Error(kTRUE));


sum.fitTo(dh, Extended(true), SumW2Error(kTRUE));

With that, the Extended fit converged properly and didn’t complain about NaN issues.

Cheers and Thanks,


[quote=“zwe32”]Greg, may I ask you to remove “Range” from your macro?
Does it help to get rid of errors?
I’ve switched to new root (and roofit 3.50) and get strange nan’s with my macro (everything was good with root 5.30.02).
When I don’t use “Range” option everything gets better.
No idea how these nan’s can be obtained. I’ll try to reproduce my problem with a minimal amount of code.[/quote]

OK, I believe we’ve found a bug.
For my purposes, the “Range” feature is a mandatory and I’m not ready to reject it.
Hope to reproduce it and make a bug report soon.