Qt/root, Qt-GSI and Qt-BNL


But you said “It is quite fragile”…

I just wanted to know whether it is properly working on someone’s PC…
[/quote]You said:[quote=“furutaka”]…
a binary for Windoze distributed from BNL, root5.18.00.exe, on Windose Xp SP3):it doesn’t cause crashes[/quote]What about[quote=“furutaka”] I couldn’t open root files from the root object browser.[/quote] I still need to understand / reproduce that. Again, the best place to ask such question is QtRoot list. There are the QtRoot windows users there to help. CERN doesn’t support QtRoot for Windows.[/quote]

OK, let’s move the discussion of QtRoot on windoze to QtRoot list.

Sorry for my confusing post: here I wrote about linux environments.
