Pyroot : SaveAs() riddle - cannot save canvas in png format

Please provide the following information:

ROOT Version : 6.12/06
Platform, compiler : CentOS 7.5, gcc4.8.5, python 3.6.5

Hi, in a pyroot macro I’m saving a Canvas in pdf, png and jpg format.

Here an excerpt of the code:

from ROOT import TF1, TF2, TH1, TH2, TH2F, TAxis, TMath, TEllipse, TStyle, TFile, TColor, TSpectrum, TCanvas, TPad, TVirtualFitter, gStyle
import numpy as np 
import sys
import time 



It works for pdf and jpg, but not for png. A file test.png is created, but it does not contain the image and does not seem to be a png file. What might be the reason?

If I save manually through the saveas option in the canvas menu it works just fine.

Thanks for looking into the riddle!

I just tried with a macro I have and I have no problem to generate the png. Can you provide a small example (we can run) reproducing the problem ?

Hey @couet,
this is the example which on my machine reproduces the error:

from ROOT import TF1, TF2, TH1, TH2, TH2D, TAxis, TMath, TEllipse, TStyle, TFile, TColor, TSpectrum, TCanvas, TPad, TVirtualFitter
import numpy as np 
import sys
import time 

# Upper and lower bounds of the 2D histogram and the 2D function: 
x0 = 0. 
x1 = 100. 
y0 = 0. 
y1 = 100. 

# Simple 2D function to fill the histogram : 
xy = TF2( 'xy', '(x+3*y)', x0, x1, y0, y1)

# Create and fill histogram : 
bin_no = 11 
h3 = TH2D("h3", "fill the boxes", bin_no, x0, x1, bin_no, y0, y1) 
n_entries = 1000
h3.FillRandom("xy", n_entries)

# Set up canvas : 
w = 1400 
h =  700
can  = TCanvas("can", "histograms   ", w, h)
pad1 = TPad( 'pad1', 'Random fill of (x+3*y). ', 0.05, 0.05, 0.45, 0.95, -2)
pad2 = TPad( 'pad2', 'Random fill of (x+3*y).', 0.55, 0.05, 0.95, 0.95, -2 )
#TPad( name, title, xlow, ylow, xup, yup, color = -1, bordersize = -1, bordermode = -2 ) 	

# Draw the pads : 


# Draw the histograms                               # Here the 'directory' is changed to pad1 defined above. 
can.Update()                            # Shows the histogram in the Canvas without having to click on it. 


It works for me. I get:

May be @etejedor as an idea what could be wrong in your case.

Okay, so it is probably my environment which has a quirk.

@etejedor: Could you have a look at the history of this post? I use a linux (centos) machine and for some reason I cannot SaveAs("*.png") with pyroot.

ROOT Version : 6.12/06
Platform, compiler : CentOS 7.5, gcc4.8.5, python 3.6.5

Hi @iMi,

I do not see how the fact that you use Python could make the difference here, since SaveAs ends up invoking C++ code and you say it works for other formats.

Can you check what happens when you invoke can.SaveAs("test.png") from C++ in your environment?


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