@ganis you can see the debug level python output in my initial post, but I’ll reproduce it (so you can see the current state of things) and the C++ output here:
$ root
| Welcome to ROOT 6.11/03 http://root.cern.ch |
| (c) 1995-2017, The ROOT Team |
| Built for macosx64 |
| From heads/master@v6-11-02-3-g9bb8349ee6, Oct 10 2017, 13:40:35 |
| Try '.help', '.demo', '.license', '.credits', '.quit'/'.q' |
root [0] TFile * f = TFile::Open("root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root")
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227081 +0200][Warning][Utility ] Unable to process global config file: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227152 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Unable to process user config file: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227242 +0200][Info ][Utility ] Env: Importing from shell XRD_NETWORKSTACK=IPv4 as NetworkStack
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227282 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Initializing plug-in manager...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227301 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] No default plug-in, loading plug-in configs...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227309 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Processing plug-in definitions in /etc/xrootd/client.plugins.d...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227329 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Unable to process directory /etc/xrootd/client.plugins.d: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227340 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Processing plug-in definitions in /Users/michael/.xrootd/client.plugins.d...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227350 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Unable to process directory /Users/michael/.xrootd/client.plugins.d: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.227358 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSeckrb5.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.228599 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecgsi.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.229985 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecgsiAuthzVO.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.231116 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecgsiGMAPDN.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.232277 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecpwd.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.233269 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecsss.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.234296 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecunix.so
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.369715 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Env: overriding entry: MultiProtocol=0 with 1
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.369801 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Sending an open command
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.369860 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Available pollers: built-in
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.369867 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Attempting to create a poller according to preference: built-in
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.369874 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Creating poller: built-in
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.369879 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Creating and starting the built-in poller...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370012 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Using 1 poller threads
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370040 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Starting the task manager...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370086 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Task manager started
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370092 +0200][Debug ][JobMgr ] Starting the job manager...
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370119 +0200][Debug ][JobMgr ] Job manager started, 3 workers
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370128 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Registering task: "FileTimer task" to be run at: [2017-10-18 12:48:24 +0200]
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370145 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] Creating new channel to: eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 1 stream(s)
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370157 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0] Stream parameters: Network Stack: IPv4, Connection Window: 120, ConnectionRetry: 5, Stream Error Widnow: 1800
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.370877 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Registering task: "TickGeneratorTask for: eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094" to be run at: [2017-10-18 12:48:39 +0200]
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.371154 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094] Found 1 address(es): [::ffff:]:1094
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.371197 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Attempting connection to [::ffff:]:1094
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.371338 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Adding socket 0x38938fa0 to the poller
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.392193 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Async connection call returned
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.392350 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Sending out the initial hand shake + kXR_protocol
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.408268 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Got the server hand shake response (type: manager [], protocol version 310)
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.408347 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] kXR_protocol successful (type: manager [], protocol version 310)
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.412157 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Sending out kXR_login request, username: michael, cgi: ?xrd.cc=ch&xrd.tz=1&xrd.appname=root.exe&xrd.info=&xrd.hostname=michaelsmacbookpro.dyndns.cern.ch&xrd.rn=v4.6.1, dual-stack: false, private IPv4: false, private IPv6: false
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.413201 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Logged in, session: d1e20100674b0000ce00000094e30100
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.413227 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Authentication is required: &P=krb5,xrootd/eoslhcb.cern.ch@CERN.CH&P=gsi,v:10300,c:ssl,ca:5168735f.0|4339b4bc.0&P=unix&P=sss,0.13:/etc/eos.keytab
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.413244 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Sending authentication data
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.415358 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Trying to authenticate using krb5
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.448443 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Authenticated with krb5.
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.448486 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0] Stream 0 connected.
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.448497 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Monitor library name not set. No monitoring
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.451749 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] Creating new channel to: p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 1 stream(s)
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.451783 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0] Stream parameters: Network Stack: IPv4, Connection Window: 120, ConnectionRetry: 5, Stream Error Widnow: 1800
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.453537 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Registering task: "TickGeneratorTask for: p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095" to be run at: [2017-10-18 12:48:39 +0200]
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.453937 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095] Found 1 address(es): [::ffff:]:1095
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.453975 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Attempting connection to [::ffff:]:1095
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.454095 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Adding socket 0x38a96650 to the poller
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.492579 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Async connection call returned
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.492669 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Sending out the initial hand shake + kXR_protocol
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.532419 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Got the server hand shake response (type: server [], protocol version 310)
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.532581 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] kXR_protocol successful (type: server [], protocol version 310)
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.535453 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Sending out kXR_login request, username: michael, cgi: ?xrd.cc=ch&xrd.tz=1&xrd.appname=root.exe&xrd.info=&xrd.hostname=michaelsmacbookpro.dyndns.cern.ch&xrd.rn=v4.6.1, dual-stack: false, private IPv4: false, private IPv6: false
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.558649 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Logged in, session: 67b9020063240000040100006cb90200
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.558677 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Authentication is required: &P=unix&P=sss,0.13:/etc/eos.keytab
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.558687 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Sending authentication data
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.558751 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Trying to authenticate using unix
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.596112 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Authenticated with unix.
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.596163 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0] Stream 0 connected.
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.621074 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Open has returned with status [SUCCESS]
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.621131 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] successfully opened at p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095, handle: 0x0, session id: 1
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.621335 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Sending a read command for handle 0x0 to p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.650495 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Sending a read command for handle 0x0 to p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095
[2017-10-18 12:48:24.681372 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Sending a read command for handle 0x0 to p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095
(TFile *) 0x7faf38943ac0
root [1] .q
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.624617 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Sending a close command for handle 0x0 to p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.664252 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x367fbe40@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Close returned from p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 with: [SUCCESS]
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.665775 +0200][Debug ][JobMgr ] Stopping the job manager...
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.665973 +0200][Debug ][JobMgr ] Job manager stopped
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.665989 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Stopping the task manager...
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666016 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Task manager stopped
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666025 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Stopping the poller...
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666096 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Requesting unregistration of: "TickGeneratorTask for: eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094"
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666107 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Closing the socket
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666116 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] <[::ffff:]:52309><--><[::ffff:]:1094> Removing socket from the poller
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666176 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0] Destroying stream
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666209 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Closing the socket
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666222 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Requesting unregistration of: "TickGeneratorTask for: p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095"
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666231 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Closing the socket
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666238 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] <[::ffff:]:52310><--><[::ffff:]:1095> Removing socket from the poller
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666269 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0] Destroying stream
[2017-10-18 12:48:30.666299 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [p06253967r10312.cern.ch:1095 #0.0] Closing the socket
$ /usr/bin/python
Python 2.7.10 (default, Jul 15 2017, 17:16:57)
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.31)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import ROOT; f = ROOT.TFile.Open("root://eoslhcb.cern.ch//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root")
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627233 +0200][Warning][Utility ] Unable to process global config file: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627328 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Unable to process user config file: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627406 +0200][Info ][Utility ] Env: Importing from shell XRD_NETWORKSTACK=IPv4 as NetworkStack
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627438 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Initializing plug-in manager...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627457 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] No default plug-in, loading plug-in configs...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627466 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Processing plug-in definitions in /etc/xrootd/client.plugins.d...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627486 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Unable to process directory /etc/xrootd/client.plugins.d: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627498 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Processing plug-in definitions in /Users/michael/.xrootd/client.plugins.d...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627510 +0200][Debug ][PlugInMgr ] Unable to process directory /Users/michael/.xrootd/client.plugins.d: [ERROR] OS Error: No such file or directory
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627518 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSeckrb5.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627735 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSeckrb5.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSeckrb5-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSeckrb5-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627749 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecgsi.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627850 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSecgsi.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSecgsi-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSecgsi-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627862 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecgsiAuthzVO.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627950 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSecgsiAuthzVO.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSecgsiAuthzVO-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSecgsiAuthzVO-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.627969 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecgsiGMAPDN.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628058 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSecgsiGMAPDN.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSecgsiGMAPDN-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSecgsiGMAPDN-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628073 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecpwd.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628156 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSecpwd.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSecpwd-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSecpwd-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628167 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecsss.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628252 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSecsss.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSecsss-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSecsss-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628276 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Attempting to pre-load: libXrdSecunix.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.628349 +0200][Error ][Utility ] Unable to pre-load libXrdSecunix.so: Plugin unable to load libXrdSecunix-4.so; dlopen(libXrdSecunix-4.so, 256): image not found
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.779886 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Env: overriding entry: MultiProtocol=0 with 1
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.779985 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x54312ad0@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Sending an open command
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780047 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Available pollers: built-in
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780054 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Attempting to create a poller according to preference: built-in
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780061 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Creating poller: built-in
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780067 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Creating and starting the built-in poller...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780245 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Using 1 poller threads
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780273 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Starting the task manager...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780302 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Task manager started
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780310 +0200][Debug ][JobMgr ] Starting the job manager...
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780393 +0200][Debug ][JobMgr ] Job manager started, 3 workers
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780409 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Registering task: "FileTimer task" to be run at: [2017-10-18 12:53:29 +0200]
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780434 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] Creating new channel to: eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 1 stream(s)
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.780450 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0] Stream parameters: Network Stack: IPv4, Connection Window: 120, ConnectionRetry: 5, Stream Error Widnow: 1800
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.781150 +0200][Debug ][TaskMgr ] Registering task: "TickGeneratorTask for: eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094" to be run at: [2017-10-18 12:53:44 +0200]
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.781521 +0200][Debug ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094] Found 1 address(es): [::ffff:]:1094
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.781622 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Attempting connection to [::ffff:]:1094
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.781729 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] Adding socket 0x541c5770 to the poller
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.799548 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Async connection call returned
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.799738 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Sending out the initial hand shake + kXR_protocol
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.815574 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Got the server hand shake response (type: manager [], protocol version 310)
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.815688 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] kXR_protocol successful (type: manager [], protocol version 310)
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.821975 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Sending out kXR_login request, username: michael, cgi: ?xrd.cc=ch&xrd.tz=1&xrd.appname=Python&xrd.info=&xrd.hostname=michaelsmacbookpro.dyndns.cern.ch&xrd.rn=v4.6.1, dual-stack: false, private IPv4: false, private IPv6: false
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861054 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Logged in, session: 2ae60100674b0000dc040000ede60100
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861164 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Authentication is required: &P=krb5,xrootd/eoslhcb.cern.ch@CERN.CH&P=gsi,v:10300,c:ssl,ca:5168735f.0|4339b4bc.0&P=unix&P=sss,0.13:/etc/eos.keytab
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861193 +0200][Debug ][XRootDTransport ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Sending authentication data
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861671 +0200][Error ][XRootDTransport ] Unable to get the security framework: Plugin dlopen(libXrdSec-4.so, 256): image not found seclib libXrdSec-4.so
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861728 +0200][Error ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Socket error while handshaking: [FATAL] Auth failed
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861743 +0200][Debug ][AsyncSock ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0.0] Closing the socket
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861757 +0200][Debug ][Poller ] <[::ffff:]:52385><--><[::ffff:]:1094> Removing socket from the poller
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861929 +0200][Error ][PostMaster ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094 #0] Unable to recover: [FATAL] Auth failed.
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861966 +0200][Error ][XRootD ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094] Impossible to send message kXR_open (file: /eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ). Trying to recover.
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.861989 +0200][Debug ][XRootD ] [eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094] Handling error while processing kXR_open (file: /eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root, mode: 00, flags: kXR_open_read kXR_async kXR_retstat ): [FATAL] Auth failed.
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.862040 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x54312ad0@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Open has returned with status [FATAL] Auth failed
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.862061 +0200][Debug ][File ] [0x54312ad0@root://eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094//eos/lhcb/user/m/mwilkins/bfractions_fromGanga/data/Down16/548.100/DVnTuples.root] Error while opening at eoslhcb.cern.ch:1094: [FATAL] Auth failed
[2017-10-18 12:53:29.862081 +0200][Debug ][Utility ] Monitor library name not set. No monitoring
Error in <TNetXNGFile::Open>: [FATAL] Auth failed
FYI, I just installed Anaconda and tried building root against that python build ($ cmake ../root -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/Users/michael/anaconda2/bin/python -Dall=On
) but again it wouldn’t work. I am consistently unable to get PyROOT to work in any build other than the default system one.