Produce Toy MC from RooDataSet

Dear experts,

Currently, I try to produce Toy MC from binned data. if there is only one category, I can do it by

    // RooWorkspace* w
    ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)w->obj("ModelConfig"); // Get model manually

    RooArgSet* obs = (RooArgSet*)mc->GetObservables();
    RooRealVar* x_val_MXs1 = (RooRealVar*)obs->find("obs_x_channel_MXs1");

    RooDataSet* data = (RooDataSet*)w->data("asimovData");
    TH1D* HistData = (TH1D*)data->createHistogram("HistData", *x_val_MXs1, Binning(RarityBins, BinMIN, BinMAX));
    RooDataHist DataHist("DataHist", "DataHist", *x_val_MXs1, HistData);
    RooHistPdf dataPDF("dataPDF", "dataPDF", RooArgSet(*x_val_MXs1, model->indexCat()), DataHist);

    RooDataSet* genData = dataPDF.generate(RooArgSet(*x_val_MXs1, model->indexCat()), 100, false, true, "", false, true);

The above code try to do
RooDataSet (asimovData) → TH1D → RooDataHist → RooHistPdf → RooDataSet

However, if there are more than one RooCategory, it is not simple:

The ranges and number of bins are taken from the input histogram and must be the same in all histograms

However, for each category, the bin and range can be different.

    // RooWorkspace* w
    ModelConfig* mc = (ModelConfig*)w->obj("ModelConfig"); // Get model manually

    RooArgSet* obs = (RooArgSet*)mc->GetObservables();
    RooRealVar* x_val_MXs1 = (RooRealVar*)obs->find("obs_x_channel_MXs1");
    RooRealVar* x_val_MXs2 = (RooRealVar*)obs->find("obs_x_channel_MXs2");
    RooRealVar* x_val_MXs3 = (RooRealVar*)obs->find("obs_x_channel_MXs3");

    // ...?

So, what is the best way to produce MC from data (here, from asimovData)

Thank you


Thanks for the interesting post. I am adding in the loop @jonas , who might have a suggestion.


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