I am using pyROOT, and I find a very strange issue regarding TTree.Project:
is giving to my an empty histogram (I checked drawing it or printing its content).
Also the making the following command:
my_tree.Draw(“my_var>>my_hist”) is giving to me an empty histogram.
Firstly, I ensure that the variable inside my tree exists, and also that I am using the name of the histogram (my_histo=TH1D(“my_histo”,“my_histo”,40,1,8))
I also tried to implement gROOT.cd(), before the command regarding the TTree (as I saw here: )
Please fill also the fields below. Note that root -b -q will tell you this info, and starting from 6.28/06 upwards, you can call .forum bug from the ROOT prompt to pre-populate a topic.
ROOT Version: Not Provided Platform: Not Provided Compiler: Not Provided
import ROOT as r
h = r.TH1D("h","h",40,-4,4)
data = r.TFile.Open("hsimple.root")
t = data.Get("ntuple")
So it’s not an issue in these lines of code (tested with ROOT v.6.30/06) (maybe you are doing more, that you didn’t show here?) Check that you are really reading the file and getting the histogram with those exact lines. Try
instead of Project, or also try my_tree.Draw("mc_E"), and see if you get something.