Problems with hadd in lxplus

Hi there,

I am trying to merge files that contain multiple trees and histograms, some of the branches contains long strings and some of the trees are not always filled.

To avoid the strings being truncated, the file with the largest string must be listed first in the merging, however there are still issues seen when running with no compression (i.e. hadd -f0 … ) on lxplus when some trees have no entries :

free(): invalid next size (fast)
Aborted (core dumped)

There are also failures when merging batches of files at a time and merging the final outputs:

“Error in < TNetXNGFile::Open >: [ERROR] Server responded with an error: [3001] Required argument not present”

Is there any advice on how best to deal with merging of such files?

Dear @root_userj ,

Thanks for reaching out to the forum! Your use case seems quite specific, could you provide a code reproducer and a couple of files showing the different features you cite (long strings, empty trees etc).


Hi @vpadulan,

Thank you for your response, can I send these files privately?

Even hadd -f0 merged_file.root file1.root file2.root … seems to result in issues in some cases.

Dear @root_userj ,

Yes sure, feel free to share them privately in any manner it is convenient for you.


Hi @vpadulan,

I have emailed a copy of the files.
