Problem to read an histogram into a folder into a root file

Hi, I want to read an histogram inside a folder of a root file and save it in a new root file with a short name. The path of the histogram is

IDAR_3alpha.root/Analysis;1/Histograms;1/FPGA;1/FPGA Energy(hitlist) SFP: 1 FEBEX: 0 CHAN: 8;1

But the new histogram do not create, because the reading of the original histogram do not take place.
Any help please. Thanks

void New(const TString& inputfile="", const TString& outputfile="NewCal.root")

const TString& filename="Analysis;1/Histograms;1/FPGA;1/FPGA\ Energy(hitlist)\ SFP:\ 1\ FEBEX:\ 0\ CHAN:\ 0;1";
TFile *finput = new TFile(inputfile.Data(),"read");
TFile *output = new TFile(outputfile.Data(),"recreate");
TH1F *h = (TH1F*)finput->Get(filename.Data());

delete finput;
delete output;

Do you get some messages when you execute your macro ?

you might need

const TString& filename="Analysis;1/Histograms;1/FPGA;1/FPGA\ Energy(hitlist)\ SFP:\ 1\ FEBEX:\ 0\ CHAN:\ 0;1";
TFile *finput = new TFile(inputfile.Data(),"read");
TFolder *folder = finput->Get("Analysis");
TH1F *h = folder->FindObject("Histograms/FPGA/FPGA\ Energy(hitlist)\ SFP:\ 1\ FEBEX:\ 0\ CHAN:\ 0");


const TString& filename="Analysis;1/Histograms;1/FPGA;1/FPGA\ Energy(hitlist)\ SFP:\ 1\ FEBEX:\ 0\ CHAN:\ 0;1";
TFile *finput = new TFile(inputfile.Data(),"read");
TH1F *h = gDirectory->Get("FPGA\ Energy(hitlist)\ SFP:\ 1\ FEBEX:\ 0\ CHAN:\ 0");

Alternatively those that provided/created this file may have a set of instructions on how to retrieve the data.

Thanks, the second option solve my problem.

Nice regards.

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