Problem Launching ROOT

I am currently using macOS Sonoma 14.3.1 and I have ROOT installed on my Mac. It suddenly (without any changes that I can recall) stopped working when I tried to launch it. The ROOT version is 6.30.04

I have tried rebooting my computer. Since I install it through brew and ROOT also requires Xcode, I tried reinstalling both Xcode and ROOT. None of those changed the problem at all/

I post the error message in the following, which is huge

dyeung@A1 ~ % root
input_line_1:1:10: remark: building module 'std_new' as '/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/std_new.pcm' [-Rmodule-build]
#include <new>
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_private_type_traits_alignment_of' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_cstddef' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ fatal error: module file '/tmp/root-20240223-10358-8rxxt5/root-6.30.04/builddir/lib/std_config.pcm' not found: module file not found
#    include_next <stddef.h>
/Applications/ note: imported by module 'Darwin' in '/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/Darwin.pcm'
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_private_type_traits_alignment_of' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_alignment_of'
#include <__type_traits/alignment_of.h>
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_cstdlib' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ fatal error: module file '/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/Darwin.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt
#    include_next <stdlib.h>
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_exception' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_private_exception_exception_ptr' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_private_exception_operations' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_exception_operations'
#include <__exception/operations.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_exception_exception_ptr'
#include <__exception/exception_ptr.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_exception_exception_ptr'
#include <__exception/exception_ptr.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_reference'
#include <__type_traits/remove_reference.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_add_pointer'
#include <__type_traits/add_pointer.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_array'
#include <__type_traits/is_array.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_reference'
#include <__type_traits/remove_reference.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_add_pointer'
#include <__type_traits/add_pointer.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_type_list'
#include <__type_traits/type_list.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_aligned_storage'
#include <__type_traits/aligned_storage.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_reference'
#include <__type_traits/remove_reference.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_reference'
#include <__type_traits/remove_reference.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_const_ref'
#include <__type_traits/remove_const_ref.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_decay'
#include <__type_traits/decay.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_reference'
#include <__type_traits/remove_reference.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_common_type'
#include <__type_traits/common_type.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_all_extents'
#include <__type_traits/remove_all_extents.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_apply_cv'
#include <__type_traits/apply_cv.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_null_pointer'
#include <__type_traits/is_null_pointer.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_fundamental'
#include <__type_traits/is_fundamental.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_all_extents'
#include <__type_traits/remove_all_extents.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_member_function_pointer'
#include <__type_traits/is_member_function_pointer.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_convertible'
#include <__type_traits/is_convertible.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_nothrow_constructible'
#include <__type_traits/is_nothrow_constructible.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_destructible'
#include <__type_traits/is_destructible.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_member_pointer'
#include <__type_traits/is_member_pointer.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_nothrow_constructible'
#include <__type_traits/is_nothrow_constructible.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_array'
#include <__type_traits/is_array.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_convertible'
#include <__type_traits/is_convertible.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_nothrow_move_constructible'
#include <__type_traits/is_nothrow_move_constructible.h>
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_exception' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_type_traits' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_private_type_traits_is_trivially_copyable' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_cstdint' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_stdint_h' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
In file included from /usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/etc/root/cling/lib/clang/13.0.0/include/stdint.h:52:
/Applications/ fatal error: module file '/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/Darwin.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt
#include <sys/_types/_int8_t.h>
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_exception' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_type_traits' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_private_type_traits_is_trivially_copyable' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_cstdint' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
In file included from /Applications/
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_stdint_h'
#  include_next <stdint.h>
While building module 'std_new' imported from input_line_1:1:
While building module 'std_exception' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_type_traits' imported from /Applications/
While building module 'std_private_type_traits_is_trivially_copyable' imported from /Applications/
In file included from <module-includes>:1:
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstdint'
#include <cstdint>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_is_destructible'
#include <__type_traits/is_destructible.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_remove_reference'
#include <__type_traits/remove_reference.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_apply_cv'
#include <__type_traits/apply_cv.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_apply_cv'
#include <__type_traits/apply_cv.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_cstddef'
#include <cstddef>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_invoke'
#include <__type_traits/invoke.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_functional_invoke'
#include <__functional/invoke.h>
/Applications/ fatal error: could not build module 'std_private_type_traits_decay'
#include <__type_traits/decay.h>
input_line_1:1:10: remark: finished building module 'std_new' [-Rmodule-build]
#include <new>
input_line_1:1:10: fatal error: could not build module 'std_new'
#include <new>
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
  Failed to extract C++ standard library version.
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
  Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with _LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION '1'
  Extraction of runtime standard library version was: ''
Replaced symbol at_quick_exit cannot be found in JIT!
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file '/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/Darwin.pcm' is out of date and needs to be rebuilt
Failed to load module Darwin
Failed to load module std
Failed to load module _Builtin_intrinsics
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_C
Failed to load module ROOT_Config
Failed to load module ROOT_Rtypes
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_Stage1_NoRTTI
Failed to load module Core
Failed to load module Rint
Failed to load module RIO
Failed to load module MathCore
Failed to load module Hist
Failed to load module RHTTPSniff
Failed to load module RMySQL
Failed to load module Matrix
Failed to load module Gpad
Failed to load module GCocoa
Failed to load module Hbook
Failed to load module ROOT_Config
Failed to load module Recorder
Failed to load module std
Failed to load module ProofPlayer
Failed to load module NetxNG
Failed to load module ROOTNTupleUtil
Failed to load module Graf
Failed to load module Cling_Runtime_Extra
Failed to load module SessionViewer
Failed to load module ProofDraw
Failed to load module EG
Failed to load module HistFactory
Failed to load module Hist
Failed to load module Fumili
Failed to load module Net
Failed to load module RooFit
Failed to load module MultiProc
Failed to load module SQLIO
Failed to load module TMVAUtils
Failed to load module RooFitXRooFit
Failed to load module RooFitHS3
Failed to load module MLP
Failed to load module ROOTTreeViewer
Failed to load module Gviz3d
Failed to load module RDAVIX
Failed to load module Tree
Failed to load module GeomBuilder
Failed to load module SPlot
Failed to load module Proof
Failed to load module GuiBld
Failed to load module XMLIO
Failed to load module MathMore
Failed to load module TMVA
Failed to load module ROOTFitPanelv7
Failed to load module Quadp
Failed to load module ROOTNTuple
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_Stage1_NoRTTI
Failed to load module TreeViewer
Failed to load module Spectrum
Failed to load module _Builtin_intrinsics
Failed to load module RooFitMore
Failed to load module Geom
Failed to load module ROOTGpadv7
Failed to load module RCsg
Failed to load module Ged
Failed to load module FITSIO
Failed to load module ROOTBrowserv7
Failed to load module ROOTGraphicsPrimitives
Failed to load module FitPanel
Failed to load module ROOTEve
Failed to load module Cling_Runtime
Failed to load module Rint
Failed to load module Core
Failed to load module WebGui6
Failed to load module ROOTTPython
Failed to load module ROOTGeomViewer
Failed to load module ROOTHist
Failed to load module Imt
Failed to load module PyMVA
Failed to load module HistPainter
Failed to load module ROOTBrowsable
Failed to load module RHTTP
Failed to load module GeomPainter
Failed to load module Eve
Failed to load module Postscript
Failed to load module TMVAGui
Failed to load module RooFitRDataFrameHelpers
Failed to load module Gui
Failed to load module ASImage
Failed to load module RSQLite
Failed to load module Minuit2
Failed to load module ROOTDataFrame
Failed to load module GenVector
Failed to load module RootAuth
Failed to load module ROOTVecOps
Failed to load module Genetic
Failed to load module Physics
Failed to load module RGL
Failed to load module XMLParser
Failed to load module ROOTWebDisplay
Failed to load module ROOT_Rtypes
Failed to load module ROOTHistDraw
Failed to load module RIO
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_C
Failed to load module SpectrumPainter
Failed to load module Minuit
Failed to load module Gdml
Failed to load module ProofBench
Failed to load module MathCore
Failed to load module Smatrix
Failed to load module Thread
Failed to load module Darwin
Failed to load module GuiHtml
Failed to load module Html
Failed to load module RooStats
Failed to load module FFTW
Failed to load module RooFitCore
Failed to load module ROOTTMVASofie
Failed to load module Foam
Failed to load module Graf3d
Failed to load module ASImageGui
Failed to load module TreePlayer
Failed to load module RooFitJSONInterface

 *** Break *** segmentation violation
[/usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib] _sigtramp (no debug info)
[/usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib] tiny_malloc_should_clear (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxtImpl::TNormalizedCtxtImpl(cling::LookupHelper const&) (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] ROOT::TMetaUtils::TNormalizedCtxt::TNormalizedCtxt(cling::LookupHelper const&) (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] TCling::TCling(char const*, char const*, char const* const*, void*) (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] CreateInterpreter (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] TROOT::InitInterpreter() (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] ROOT::Internal::GetROOT2() (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] TApplication::TApplication(char const*, int*, char**, void*, int) (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/lib/root/] TRint::TRint(char const*, int*, char**, void*, int, bool, bool) (no debug info)
[/usr/local/Cellar/root/6.30.04/bin/root.exe] main (no debug info)
[/usr/lib/dyld] start (no debug info)

I have the same issue with the same setup. I believe a MacOS or XCode update triggered it. My specs: Apple M1 chip: 14.3.1 , Xcode Version: 15.3 and ROOT Version: 6.30.04 (through homebrew). I tried the same methods to solve it as you without any luck, need a roll-back or a fix.


I can confirm the same problem with my M1 Macbook Pro running 14.3.1. The Command Line Tools or Xcode update dated TODAY (March 6) seems to have broken things. I tried to roll back to the previous Command Line Tools (15.1) but this did not fix the problem.


I also have the same issue since an Xcode update yesterday. I then updated Command Line Tools and it did not fix the issue.
Running M2 MacBook Air 14.3.1

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See ROOT 6.30.04 build failed on macOS 14.4 arm64 Xcode 15.3 - #4 by Wolfgang_Korsch1

Oh boy, glad I’m not the only one. Literally was using ROOT yesterday for my research, and now this happens…if anyone has a solution, I would greatly appreciate it…


(Temporary) Solution here: ROOT 6.30.04 build failed on macOS 14.4 arm64 Xcode 15.3 - #6 by Subhadip_Pal

The error in the other issue comes during installation, and mines come during launching. We are setting things up differently (I set things up through brew and he built it directly).

Is there another fix?

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I heard from a fellow Mac user that their conda root build did not break with the XCode update, but I as everyone/most above get root from brew package manager. I have not tried it yet but could be a temporary quick fix.

I have an M1 Macbook Pro running 14.3.1. My ROOT is 6.30/04. As noted above, the recent Xcode updates broke my ROOT. I have rolled back both the Command Line Tools and the XCode app to 15.1. You can obtain these items from here:

Sign In - Apple (Apple ID signin required)

Rolling back both of these to 15.1 fixed the problem, and I can run ROOT again. I have also set my Mac to NOT do any updates for the time being.

1 Like

May I ask how did you roll back the Command Line Tools? Further, after rolling back the Command Line Tools and the XCode app to 15.1, did you reinstall ROOT with brew or other methods?

This worked for me, thank you so much!

This worked also out of the box. Reinstalled Xcode 15.1, Command Line Tools, and that’s it, no need to reinstall ROOT (I also have a brew installation)

Quick question, this worked and the latest root version shows up on the welcome text, but the TBrowser is an older version. Is there a way to update TBrowser?

To rollback Xcode: (1) Remove the Xcode app from your Applications folder, and place it in the trash. Empty the trash. Restart your Mac. (2) Go to the site mentioned and download the version of Xcode that you want. Unxip the file. Now you will have an Xcode app in your downloads folder. Drag it to the Applications folder. Restart your Mac. Now you have an older Xcode. (Professionals will note there are more subtle ways to do this, but I wanted to give a simple and straightforward description. Some websearching will reveal to you how you can have several versions of Xcode and Command Line Tools installed on your machine at the same time.)

To rollback Command Line Tools: This is more complex. Here is a great page describing the several steps. Uninstall Xcode Command Line Tools · Mac Install Guide

For me it was much simpler. I went to your link and found Xcode 15.1 and Command Line Tools for 15.1.
I extracted Xcode from the file (just double click and it auto-extracted), then moved it to Applications, and overwrote the existing Xcode.
Then installed Command Line Tools from the downloaded dmg file.
Open a new terminal window and it worked.
Thanks a lot again


Thank you this worked for me, I also did a new install of root with brew. Not sure if that was neede.

I just uninstalled the root using brew, and installed new root package. It is working now!

Do you also have the latest version of XCode and Command Line Tools, that is 15.3? And what is the version of ROOT you have installed now?

Actually I installed Xcode again and Xcode-select(Note: if you have other software running using Xcode I can advise you not to uninstall or delete it cause you will have to install again)
Here I uninstalled the root I had, and the installed new one!(ROOT Version: 6.30/04)