Plotting TEllipse on a 3D Plot


I am trying to plot a series of TEllipses embedded in a 3D plot. Is there a way to plot a TEllipse on a 3D plot. If not, what other approaches are possible.



TEllipse is a 2D graphics primitive, it cannot be drawn directly in 3D unless a projection is done.
This has to be checked … Do you have a small prototype of what you are trying to do ?


I don’t have a prototype per se. I’m simply trying to plot the evolution of a beam ellipse for an accelerator simulation. Do you have any other thoughts?



You can try to do the 3D to 2D projection yourself… But I do not understand how you will orient your ellipse in a 3D space as it is a 2D objet … unless you want to always to plot it in the screen plane ? You can also overlay a 2D pad on top of the 3D and draw the ellipse … but again that will be in the screen plane…