Ploting Y-axis in semi log

I am trying to set y axis in semi log and leave x axis as it is. Here is my code.

	double_t x;
	double_t L = 50;
	TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "[0]*TMath::sin(x)", 0, 50); 
	f1->SetParameter(0, L);
	f1->SetTitle("Title; X-axis; Y-axis"); 

Thank you.

Try this:

	TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();

	double_t x;
	double_t L = 50;
	TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "[0]*TMath::Sin(x)", 0, 50); 
	f1->SetParameter(0, L);
    f1->SetTitle("Title; X-axis; Y-axis"); 
       // gPad->SetLogy(); 

Can you restate what you want to do? Sin(x) runs over (-1,1) and a log-plot won’t work for the negative values of sin(x).

I want the y-axis in semi log.

	double_t x;
	double_t L = 50;
	TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "TMath::Exp(-5e-2*[0]*TMath::Sqrt(10*TMath::Sq(x)-TMath::Sq(054))/9*TMath::Sq(x))", 0, 50); 
	f1->SetParameter(0, L);
	f1->SetTitle("Title; X-Axis; Y-Axis"); 

To plot the y-axis in log scale and the x-axis in linear scale, you can uncomment the

// gPad->SetLogy()

line in my code. You will get an error running this, as you will be asking ROOT to plot the log of a negative number, which is incalculable with real numbers only. (TMath::Log(-1) = nan)

Here is an example that generates a plot of a function of my own choosing in semi-log axes. The values that I am plotting are always positive, which allows the log scale to work, as all points in the plot have mathematically-real numerical values.

void codeForTHESCIENTIST(){

  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();

  double_t x;
  double_t L = 50;

  TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "TMath::Exp(-1.*x + 15) + TMath::Exp(-.05*x)", 0, 50);
  f1->SetParameter(0, L);
  f1->SetTitle("Title; X-axis; Y-axis");


Thank you. I changed my formula and it kinda worked but there is some kind of glitch in my graph.

I believe the glitch you mention is that the axis tick-marks are overlapping, leading to the appearance of a solid black bar. Notice how the range is some ~300 orders of magnitude. I’d recommend setting a smaller range of the y-axis that you’re most interested in, so you aren’t squishing the axis tick-marks together.

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Oh okay. Thank you.

I have one last question. How do I set a range for y-axis in log form?


This does not seem to work.

Hmm. I don’t use TF1 much. I don’t know about how to do this if you don’t have access to a GetYaxis() function. You could change the draw x-range by

  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();

  double_t x;
  double_t L = 50;

  TF1* f1 = new TF1("f1", "TMath::Exp(-1.*x + 15) + TMath::Exp(-.05*x)", 0, 50);
  f1->SetParameter(0, L);
  f1->SetTitle("Title; X-axis; Y-axis");


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