Plot several cuts (TGraph) on the same histogram

Hello Everyone, I have several cuts from a two-dimensional histogram. It is in array form and is created using SetPoint. I would like to plot all the cuts on the same 2D histogram, I wonder how is it possible.

Just plot the 2D histogram and then for each Graph β€œg” do:


Nope, it didn’t show any cuts or graphs on the histogram.
My cuts are, cutg[i]->SetPoint(ncutpts,x[0],y[0]);
and I used following script to draw,
//test script for cuts graph
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(β€œc1”,β€œc1”);

for(Int_t k=2;k<50;k++){

Thanks for replying!!

TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(β€œc1”,β€œc1”);

for(Int_t k=2;k<50;k++){
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Screenshot from 2017-12-13 11-32-07

it shows only one cut/graph within its limit range, others are skipped. How can I specify the horizontal (2.5 to 2.9) and vertical limit (28 to 35), because it’s a canvas

Yes it is because the first graph limits are not large enough.
You should group your graphs in a TMultiGraph:

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