I’ve used root/C++ combo for quite a while now, but have never used paw before and am not so great with fortran. My supervisor (just before he went abroad) gave me a paw macro (kumac) together with a separate fortran function, which I need to incorporate into my main root/C++ code.

I initially tried to decipher and translate it, but this went no where.

I think the easiest way to get around this would be to run the kumac, save the paw plot as a hbook file, which I can then convert using h2root. I couldn’t find any paw commands that would do that on the paw web page, so how do I do this? Or is there an easy (without having to learn paw and fortran in a short space of time) way to translate?


So your PAW macro generates some data (histograms and/or ntuples ?) you would like to save in a hbook file, right ? The following lines will do that:

PAW > Exec your_macro
PAW > Hi/File 0 data.hbook ! N
PAW > Hrout 0
PAW > exit

After the that you will have all the histograms and ntuples generated by your_macro stored in the file data.hbook. Then convert the file using h2root.