Opening canvas in a pyroot program

My code contains the following:

#Create an empty histogram and fill it with the detected problem bins.
c2 = ROOT.TCanvas(‘c2’, ‘c2’, 700, 500)
prob_bins = ROOT.TTree(“prob_bins”, “prob_bins”)
prob_bins.ReadFile(“output.txt”, “y:x”)
hist = ROOT.TH2F(“hist_name”, “hist_title”, nx, 0, nx, ny, 0, ny)
prob_bins.Draw(“y:x >> hist_name”, “”, “colz”)

The first time I run the code from within python, I get the error:
Error in TTree::ReadStream: Error reading stream: no newline found.

and the canvas c2 displays as blank.

If I run the code a second time immediately after, I get no error and the canvas c2 displays.

Do you know why this is happening?

It looks like the file output.txt might be miss-formatted… can you post it here ? (or part of it)

Here is the function that writes two integers to output.txt for each iteration.

def output_1(ns2, searcharray, outputfile):
for i in range (0, ns2+1):
t = searcharray[i]
ix = t[0]
iy = t[1]
outputfile.write("%d %d \n" % (iy, ix))

Here is the code that calls the function.

outputfile = open(‘output.txt’, ‘w’)
output_1(ns2, searcharray, outputfile)

Thanks. But I think it will be simpler if you could post the file “output.txt”.

As an example, output.txt could look like this:
output.txt (15 Bytes)

It seems to be a Python issue. When I do the same in C++ it is fine.

root [0] TTree *prob_bins = new TTree("prob_bins", "prob_bins")
(TTree *) 0x7fb39d593810
root [1] prob_bins->ReadFile("output.txt", "y:x")
(Long64_t) 3
root [2] TH2F *hist = new TH2F("hist_name", "hist_title", 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10)
(TH2F *) 0x7fb39d2a1d40
root [3] prob_bins->Draw("y:x >> hist_name", "", "colz")
Info in <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>:  created default TCanvas with name c1
(Long64_t) 3
root [4] 

Yes, I think that PyROOT in general has some preconditions before a canvas will even display permanently on the screen:

To even get the canvases to display when I run my code, I have to write:

$ python


In other words, if I run this program from the linux command line

$ python

the canvases do not even display for more than a second before they vanish (see Display canvas)

I think this example might have (at the end) what you are looking for:

This segment?

53 ## wait for input to keep the GUI (which lives on a ROOT event dispatcher) alive
54 if name == ‘main’:
55 rep = ''
56 while not rep in [ ‘q’, ‘Q’ ]:
57 rep = raw_input( 'enter “q” to quit: ’ )
58 if 1 < len(rep):
59 rep = rep[0]

Yes I think so…

Thanks for the tip. Although for the first time I run the code in a new python window the canvas still does not generate, for every subsequent time I rerun the code in the same window the canvas generates according to the parameters I set for that iteration.

your file in

import os, sys
import ROOT

#Create an empty histogram and fill it with the detected problem bins.
c2 = ROOT.TCanvas('c2', 'c2', 700, 500)
prob_bins = ROOT.TTree("prob_bins", "prob_bins")
prob_bins.ReadFile("output.txt", "y:x")
hist = ROOT.TH2F("hist_name", "hist_title", 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10)
prob_bins.Draw("y:x >> hist_name", "", "colz")


$ python

>>> execfile("")

Here is the draft of the code in its entirety, and the corresponding example root file that it analyzes. I have added your suggestion but I still encounter the same problem.
dif_etaphi4.root (15.8 KB) (5.88 KB)

Actually I found out that the suggestion is not needed.

Remove it.

Enter python just typing “python” and then at the python prompt type


it works for me.

Still does not work for me. You mean “execfile”, not “excecfile”.

After “prob_bins.Draw(…)”, try to add:
c2.Modified(); c2.Update()


I ran the script on my setup with a simple “python” successfully (I could even enter the cuts and refresh the plot accordingly).
Of course Olivier meant “execfile”…


Thank you much couet, Pepe Le Pew, and dpiparo for your suggestions…and for continuing advise me, many thanks.

Can I ask you what operating systems you are working in? I am working in Ubuntu 16.04 and wonder if this has something to do with it.

I am much happy that couet and dipiparo can run the program successfully on your machines.


I tested it on 10.11.14 and kubuntu 15.
I wonder if you can reduce the problem to a minimal set of lines.
