I built the master branch in a newly installed Fedora 26 system. I wish to use that installation via ssh from a FreeBSD 10.3 box, using the latter as the x-server. I have tested various applications such as emacs and firefox and they all display correctly on the x-server when I do ‘ssh -Y fedora-box’ and start them from the command line.
When I ‘ssh -Y fedora-box’ and start root, I see the splash screen and I can execute a simple script that produces no graphical output. Running ‘.demo’ produces the demo selection box but selecting any of the options locks root, which must be killed from another login. Similarly, running ‘.x unuranDemo.C’ results in no output and root is locked and must be killed from another login.
Try a very simple test (try to play with menu items in both windows):
[...]$ root -n
root [0] new TCanvas(); // should draw a "c1" canvas window
root [1] new TBrowser(); // should draw a "ROOT Object Browser" window
root [2] .q
In you first post here, you say that you “built the master branch”.
However, in your “error messages”, I can see “/usr/lib/root/lib....so.6.10.08” (so ROOT 6.10/08).
Can it be that you have multiple ROOT versions installed, which then fight each other.
I initially installed a compiled version from the Fedora repo. It failed in exactly the way that my build from master fails.
I have just removed some leftovers from the Fedora repo install. I then deleted my install or master from /opt/root and re-installed:
sudo cmake --build . --target install
PATH is set to: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/home/rmason/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/opt/root/bin
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to: :/opt/root/lib/root
Now invoking root leads to:
/opt/root/bin/root.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libRint.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
ls /opt/root/lib/root/libRint*: /opt/root/lib/root/libRint.rootmap /opt/root/lib/root/libRint.so*
Make sure that you remove every single package which belongs to Fedora’s ROOT (and remove your own binaries).
Then configure and build your own version completely from scratch again.
I removed the ROOT installed from the Fedora repo. Removed the installed binaries built from master, removed the contents of the build directory, reconfigured, rebuilt and I get the same error when I try to start root:
/opt/root/bin/root.exe: error while loading shared libraries: libRint.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory