No graphical output, no errors either. (Ubuntu on WSL)

ROOT Version: 6.18/04
Platform: Ubuntu on WSL
Compiler: GCC (I think)


I am making my way through a youtube tutorial from ACU Engineering and Physics.

Firstly, I notice that when I start ROOT, the splash screen with the lady figure does not appear as it does in the videos. Next, I have attempted to use TF1 to make a simple graph, and although it looks like it processed correctly with no errors, I get no graphical output.

This is from my bash shell:

root [0] f = new TF1("f", "x^2 - sin(x)*exp(-x/2) +1", -2, 2)
(TF1 *) @0x7fffd87feea8
root [1] f->Draw()
Info in <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>:  created default TCanvas with name c1

These are the setup instructions I followed to install ROOT with Ubuntu on WSL

Any ideas?

Ohhh I didn’t have Xming running! Silly me.

Hello. Can you please let me know how to setup the Xming?

Welcome to the ROOT forum.

May be this page can help ?

If your Windows is up to date, you can enable the native WSL X11 functionality by just running wsl.exe --update in CMD.exe, provided you’re running the distribution in WSL2 mode which should also be default these days.

There is unfortunately some small visual glitches with ROOT specifically, but it should still be usable and not require any additional setup for X11 itself.

Hello, I’m using Windows 10 and it’s up to date. I’ve been trying the following command as shown in a tutorial, but in the tutorial after the command is entered a gui tab pops up. But in my case similar to thread1, there’s no GUI also no error.

Thank you. It doesn’t clearly explain how to set it up for root. Any ideas on that?