New to ROOT and Data Analysis

Greetings all, this upcoming school year I will be a first year physics student and I found ROOT via youtube videos and it interested me, I truly do hope to learn the framework and perhaps even be a contributor to it when I feel comfortable enough with the application, the problem is, I have absolutely 0 clue where to begin, so I was hoping someone could give advice as to how to go about learning Root and Data analysis as I have a background in neither, I do however, have a fairly decent background in C/C++ and Im fairly good a maths so I feel that I have the basics down, as for everything else my background is little. I tried looking for ROOT tutorials but a vast majority of them are very dated. Any help and answers would be very appreciated, thank you in advance.

Welcome to the ROOT forum.
There are several possible starting points. Here are the links:

and the full reference:

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Dear @Constantino,

welcome to the ROOT forum! Additionally to @couet has suggested there is a very new student course repository that is perfect for starting your adventure with ROOT: GitHub - root-project/student-course: ROOT course for students. The recordings of this new course will also be available shortly!

Enjoy and let us know in case you have any comments or questions,

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