When I open a new window with another window existing, it always opened as a tab of the old window. (Here “window” includes canvas, fit panel, TBrowser and so on.)
How can I open a new individual window?
no, not only TBrowser.
For instance, if I create two TCanvas, I want ROOT to create two individual window for each TCanvas. But my ROOT create only one window with two tabs.
In any way, ROOT just adds a tab on an existing window. From the command line, from a macro… For other instance, when I call a Fit Panel from the menu bar of the window, that is also added as a tab.
I attached a window created by the commands you wrote.
I found the option, but that is not a permanent one. It is just an operation for the focused window.
This can be an OS problem, but this happens only at root.exe.
For additional info, I tried using ROOT at remote server (ubuntu 16 LTS) via ssh with XQuartz. Then this adding tab thing did not happen.