I have performed a 2D fit in m(K^{+}K^{-}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}) and m(K^{+}K^{-}), the fit is converging and for reference, the fit results are mentioned in [1]. I need to calculate the sWeights and apply them to data to compare various kinematic variable distributions with MC.
While calculating the sWeights I’m getting negative weights for ~30% of the events. I’m not able to figure out how to avoid getting negative weights. In the past (when fitting over different data samples), the -ive weights were ~5-6% and were ignored but in this case, ~30% may lead to bias in kinematic variable distributions. Please suggest how to avoid this issue.
I’m also attaching the 1D projections of m(K^{+}K^{-}\mu^{+}\mu^{-}) and m(K^{+}K^{-}) data fits where the signal and different background components are mentioned
BmassDataFit_BsToJpsif2p_1Dprojection_bdtr_.pdf (24.8 KB)
PhimassDataFit_BsToJpsif2p_1Dprojection_bdtr_.pdf (23.5 KB)
along with the script used to calculate sWeights
splot.cc (10.4 KB)
root -l -b -q 'splot.cc(0, 2016)'
the RooWorkspace used as input to the scripts
ws_BsToJpsif2p_2DfitResults_2016.root (338.0 KB)
and the lxplus path (public) of the dataset
Please let me know if anymore information is required from my side, thanks!
Best regards,
RooFitResult: minimized FCN value: -271219, estimated distance to minimum: 0.000674602
covariance matrix quality: Full, accurate covariance matrix
Constant Parameter Value
-------------------- ------------
alpha1_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 3.0000e+00
alpha1_BsToJpsiKK_2016 2.4254e+00
alpha1_BsToJpsif2p_2016 2.9267e+00
alpha1_LambdaBToJpsiKp_2016 3.1811e-02
alpha2_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 -5.3222e-01
alpha2_BsToJpsiKK_2016 -1.9378e+00
alpha2_BsToJpsif2p_2016 -2.1155e+00
decaywidth_BsToJpsif2p_2016 7.6827e-02
frac_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 2.7284e-01
frac_BsToJpsiKK_2016 4.3841e-01
frac_BsToJpsif2p_2016 4.7349e-01
mean_BsToJpsiKK_2016 5.3663e+00
mean_LambdaBToJpsiKp_2016 5.3747e+00
n1_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 5.0000e-01
n1_BsToJpsiKK_2016 5.0000e-01
n1_BsToJpsif2p_2016 5.0000e-01
n1_LambdaBToJpsiKp_2016 5.0000e-01
n2_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 1.0000e+01
n2_BsToJpsiKK_2016 1.0000e+01
n2_BsToJpsif2p_2016 1.0000e+01
sigma1_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 6.6174e-02
sigma1_BsToJpsiKK_2016 2.3456e-02
sigma1_BsToJpsif2p_2016 2.3718e-02
sigma1_LambdaBToJpsiKp_2016 6.5791e-02
sigma2_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 4.5359e-02
sigma2_BsToJpsiKK_2016 4.0515e-02
sigma2_BsToJpsif2p_2016 4.1995e-02
slope_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 2.2828e-02
slope_BsToJpsiKK_2016 9.2544e-03
Floating Parameter InitialValue FinalValue (+HiError,-LoError) GblCorr.
-------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------- --------
mean_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 5.4200e+00 5.4284e+00 (+3.15e-03,-3.21e-03) <none>
mean_BsToJpsif2p_2016 5.3670e+00 5.3671e+00 (+1.01e-04,-9.91e-05) <none>
mean_relBW_BsToJpsif2p_2016 1.5250e+00 1.5234e+00 (+8.74e-04,-8.71e-04) <none>
nbkgE_BsToJpsif2p_2016 5.8000e+03 4.0073e+03 (+6.86e+02,-6.76e+02) <none>
nsigD_BsToJpsif2p_2016 3.5000e+03 3.5856e+03 (+2.59e+02,-2.57e+02) <none>
slope_BsToJpsif2p_2016 -5.0000e+00 -1.5073e+00 (+1.30e+00,-1.13e+00) <none>
slopef2p_BsToJpsif2p_2016 1.0000e-01 7.0559e-10 (+5.00e-03,--0.00e+00) <none>
yc_BdToJpsiKpi_2016 1.4880e+01 1.7211e+00 (+1.67e-01,-1.43e-01) <none>
yc_BsToJpsiKK_2016 3.2000e+00 1.1580e+00 (+1.80e-01,-1.57e-01) <none>
yc_LambdaBToJpsiKp_2016 1.5100e+00 1.2184e+00 (+2.68e-01,-2.89e-01) <none>