NDC coordinates of Histogram

is there any possibility to get the coordinates of the rectangular a TH1F is drawn into? I.e. the coordinates of the drawable space of an TPad or TCanvas?
best regards

There is many TPad getters for that:

virtual Double_t	GetUxmax() const
virtual Double_t	GetUxmin() const
virtual Double_t	GetUymax() const
virtual Double_t	GetUymin() const
virtual UInt_t	        GetWh() const
virtual Double_t	GetWNDC() const
virtual UInt_t	        GetWw() const
virtual Double_t	GetX1() const
virtual Double_t	GetX2() const
virtual Double_t	GetXlowNDC() const
virtual Double_t	GetY1() const
virtual Double_t	GetY2() const

See details here: