is it possible to delete the markers in the ULs and only shows an arrow like this
I get the ULs, but it draws the ULs with the marker
archival_tab.txt (1.8 KB)
flare_tab.txt (3.6 KB)
multul.cpp (4.0 KB)
is it possible to delete the markers in the ULs and only shows an arrow like this
I get the ULs, but it draws the ULs with the marker
Thanks for the visual examples. Could you perhaps try to share a bit more context? What is the behaviour you want to achieve and what is wrong with the one you have now?
Thank you Danilo.
Looking to the plot you see, ULs have the marker (i.e. the star and the top upward triangle) + the arrow indicating it’s an UL.
Would be possible to change the marker for the ULs? i.e. drawing only the arrow (and the error bar) like in this image
or drawing a specific marker for the ULs (for example, instad of the star and the triangle, drawing all ULs with a circle).
Not sure what you mean by “UL” (try to be clear when asking) but guessing from your code, you are declaring the “upper limits…” points as TArrow, so you should look at the arrot drawing options (TArrow doc). If you don’t like the arrow options, you can choose some TPolyMarker instead:
Choose the dot marker.
Hello thank you the both @dastudillo and @couet
yes UL=Upper Limit
@couet: thank you, but if I change the marker, I will change it for the data (i.e. no ULs too)…I was asking if it’s possible to change only the marker of the ULs.
@dastudillo thank you, I will check your links
The UL is not a marker. It is an arrow.
Yes, but actually it looks like that root writes the arrow with the marker too…
In my plot I get the error but also the marker
No, arrows’ heads are not markers, they are drawn as polygons (triangles) or lines.