Mirror Histogram

I have a fitted histogram, and I am looking to mirror it around zero (axis included). I’ve tried to find the easiest way to do so, but I am not having the best of luck so far. Should I use TImage? I’ve attached an example of my histogram. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
hist.pdf (13.9 KB)

Can you be a bit more specific ? your histogram range goes now from 0 to 4. Do you want to plot the symmetric part relatively to the Y axis from -4 to 0 ?
In that case you should do that at the histogram level (GetBinContent and SetBinContent). Playing with TASimage is not a good idea.

I have a profile of 2d Histogram of 131400 bins of X-axis profile and variation on Y. I want to retrieve the Mean and Rms of Y-axis by factorizing it into 365 sectors i,e each sector contains data of 360 bins. So can any one help me to do so.



If I have understood well, you want to combined 365 bins in a single one and get the corresponding Y value and error. You can do this with TProfile::Rebin


No Moneta, actually, I have a histogram of 131400 number of bins, I need 365 numbers of mean values by dividing these 131400 bins into (360-bins x 365-histograms), and each histogram consists of 360-bins so that I will have 365 histograms and, furthermore, I can get 365 means and their corresponding RMS values.


Then look on the bins of the original histogram and created the 365 sub-histograms and copy the content using GetBinContent from the original to the new ones , with SetBinContent. It is trivial to do, just requires to write few lines of code
