MinNodeSize (1 vs 1% in the config file)


I would like to ask a question about how MinNodSize hyper parameter is treated in the tmva, we create a macro in python that accepts a config file with all of the hyper parameters used for tmva. And I would like to ask since in the TMVA documentation, the unit of MinNodSize is in percentage. If I put e.g 1 in the config file, does the TMVA read this as 1% or I have to specifically specify 1% in the config file? Thanks a lot.


Welcome to the ROOT forum,

May be @moneta can help.

The value needs to be specified as a %, i.e 1%. Normally you pass the option value as a string and the string should be 1%. See for example how it is done in the TMVA_Classification.C tutorial.
Now it is true in Python (if using master version of ROOT), you can pass options as command line argument. But in this case you will have to pass the option as a string: MinNodeSize="1%"


Hi @moneta

Thanks a lot for this information!
