Memory leak on canvas->Update()


I have an online plotter doing canvas->Update() at 20Hz in a TThread. I observe a huge memory leak that I can only stop by commenting out canvas->Update().

This happens to me with ROOT-6.06.04, ROOT-6.06.08 and ROOT-6.08.00. I haven’t tried other versions.

[color=#00C000]SOLVED: It does work properly with ROOT-6.08.00. I didn’t properly link to that version during my tests. Thanks to all people that have answered[/color]

I’ve removed all unnecessary code while still observing the problem and now I have a code that doesn’t draw anything but still has the leak.

Essentially: I create a TApplication, a TCanvas and I do canvas->Update() at 20Hz. At this speed I loose free memory at 1 MB/s or about 53 kB/update.

The code is so simple I will just paste it here.

#include <TApplication.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TThread.h>

void *updater(void *c) {
  TCanvas *canvas=(TCanvas*)c;
  while (1) {
    usleep(50000); // 50000us = ~20Hz
  return NULL;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  TApplication *app=new TApplication("app",0,NULL);
  TCanvas *canvas=new TCanvas("leak","leaky canvas",600,900);
  TThread *updater_t=new TThread("updater_thread",updater,(void*)canvas);
  return 0;

Compile it with

I’ve also tested launching app->Run() in a POSIX thread and after that running the updater TThread. The result is the same.

Is this a bug in ROOT or am I doing something wrong?

Your code is simple … Nothing wrong it seems. We will check.

Your code snippet crashes for me after 1-2 seconds.

For the record, attached is what valgrind reports, for Ubuntu 16.04 and ROOT6 master branch.

valgrind --suppressions=$ROOTSYS/etc/valgrind-root.supp --leak-check=full --log-file="valgrindOUT.txt" ./example

 *** Break *** segmentation violation

There was a crash.
This is the entire stack trace of all threads:

Thread 2 (Thread 0x7f51b9e13700 (LWP 16859)):
#0  0x00007f51d0e4151b in __GI___waitpid (pid=16862, stat_loc=stat_loc
entry=0x7f51b9e0af40, options=options
entry=0) at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/waitpid.c:29
#1  0x00007f51d0dbafbb in do_system (line=<optimised out>) at ../sysdeps/posix/system.c:148
#2  0x00007f51d1e91a04 in TUnixSystem::Exec (shellcmd=<optimised out>, this=0x17384f0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:2116
#3  TUnixSystem::StackTrace (this=0x17384f0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:2403
#4  0x00007f51d1e9435c in TUnixSystem::DispatchSignals (this=0x17384f0, sig=kSigSegmentationViolation) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:3661
#5  <signal handler called>
#6  TList::Remove (this=this
entry=0x173f760, obj=obj
entry=0x7f51b9e0d880) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/cont/src/TList.cxx:701
#7  0x00007f51d1e137ae in THashList::Remove (this=0x173f760, obj=0x7f51b9e0d880) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/cont/src/THashList.cxx:289
#8  0x00007f51d1df37a5 in TObjectSpy::~TObjectSpy (this=0x7f51b9e0d880, __in_chrg=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TObjectSpy.cxx:56
#9  0x00007f51bb40c77a in TGFrame::HandleEvent (this=0x2ac32a0, event=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGFrame.cxx:444
#10 0x00007f51bb382e08 in TGClient::HandleEvent (this=0x292a5e0, event=0x7f51b9e0d930) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGClient.cxx:841
#11 0x00007f51bb383125 in TGClient::ProcessOneEvent (this=0x292a5e0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGClient.cxx:651
#12 0x00007f51bb38318d in TGClient::HandleInput (this=0x292a5e0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGClient.cxx:698
#13 0x00007f51d1e94bf8 in TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent (this=0x17384f0, pendingOnly=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:1066
#14 0x00007f51d1d84422 in TSystem::ProcessEvents (this=0x17384f0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TSystem.cxx:426
#15 0x00007f51d195bd54 in TPad::WaitPrimitive (this=0x2a09da0, pname=0x2adada8 "\300\b", emode=0x2a09da0 "0[\273\321Q\177") at /opt/root6/root6_src/graf2d/gpad/src/TPad.cxx:6283
#16 0x0000000000401d33 in updater(void*) ()
#17 0x00007f51d16f4eb5 in TThread::Function (ptr=0x2adad10) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/thread/src/TThread.cxx:812
#18 0x00007f51d04d270a in start_thread (arg=0x7f51b9e13700) at pthread_create.c:333
#19 0x00007f51d0e7c82d in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:109

Thread 1 (Thread 0x7f51d23b2ac0 (LWP 16839)):
#0  0x00007f51d0e729e3 in select () at ../sysdeps/unix/syscall-template.S:84
#1  0x00007f51d1e94554 in TUnixSystem::UnixSelect (nfds=<optimised out>, readready=<optimised out>, writeready=<optimised out>, timeout=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:3901
#2  0x00007f51d1e94f44 in TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent (this=0x17384f0, pendingOnly=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:1122
#3  0x00007f51d1d843a4 in TSystem::InnerLoop (this=0x17384f0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TSystem.cxx:408
#4  0x00007f51d1d82edf in TSystem::Run (this=0x17384f0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TSystem.cxx:358
#5  0x00007f51d1dc21ff in TApplication::Run (this=0x17a92d0, retrn=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TApplication.cxx:1153
#6  0x0000000000401e12 in main ()

The lines below might hint at the cause of the crash.
You may get help by asking at the ROOT forum
Only if you are really convinced it is a bug in ROOT then please submit a
report at Please post the ENTIRE stack trace
from above as an attachment in addition to anything else
that might help us fixing this issue.
#6  TList::Remove (this=this
entry=0x173f760, obj=obj
entry=0x7f51b9e0d880) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/cont/src/TList.cxx:701
#7  0x00007f51d1e137ae in THashList::Remove (this=0x173f760, obj=0x7f51b9e0d880) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/cont/src/THashList.cxx:289
#8  0x00007f51d1df37a5 in TObjectSpy::~TObjectSpy (this=0x7f51b9e0d880, __in_chrg=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TObjectSpy.cxx:56
#9  0x00007f51bb40c77a in TGFrame::HandleEvent (this=0x2ac32a0, event=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGFrame.cxx:444
#10 0x00007f51bb382e08 in TGClient::HandleEvent (this=0x292a5e0, event=0x7f51b9e0d930) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGClient.cxx:841
#11 0x00007f51bb383125 in TGClient::ProcessOneEvent (this=0x292a5e0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGClient.cxx:651
#12 0x00007f51bb38318d in TGClient::HandleInput (this=0x292a5e0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/gui/gui/src/TGClient.cxx:698
#13 0x00007f51d1e94bf8 in TUnixSystem::DispatchOneEvent (this=0x17384f0, pendingOnly=<optimised out>) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/unix/src/TUnixSystem.cxx:1066
#14 0x00007f51d1d84422 in TSystem::ProcessEvents (this=0x17384f0) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/base/src/TSystem.cxx:426
#15 0x00007f51d195bd54 in TPad::WaitPrimitive (this=0x2a09da0, pname=0x2adada8 "300b", emode=0x2a09da0 "0[273321Q177") at /opt/root6/root6_src/graf2d/gpad/src/TPad.cxx:6283
#16 0x0000000000401d33 in updater(void*) ()
#17 0x00007f51d16f4eb5 in TThread::Function (ptr=0x2adad10) at /opt/root6/root6_src/core/thread/src/TThread.cxx:812
#18 0x00007f51d04d270a in start_thread (arg=0x7f51b9e13700) at pthread_create.c:333
#19 0x00007f51d0e7c82d in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:109


Segmentation fault

valgrindOUT.txt (45.7 KB)

It does not crash for me (on mac with both X11 and Cocoa version) . With the cocoa version I see a small leak when canvas->Update() is present and no leak when I comment it. It is not obvious … the size of the memory used seems to stabilise after a while. With the X11 version I do not see any leak.

I used the Mac activity Monitor App to monitor the leak.

Sorry, it was a mistake of mine, mixing root5 and root6 paths, as I have both installed in the computer.
It does not crash if I stay consistent. Attached the new valgrind report.
valgrindOUT.txt (45.9 KB)

my observations (watched with top):

I see a leak with: 6.04.06 on U 14.04.5

no leak with: 6.08.01 on U 16.04.1, 6.08.00 on U 14.04.5, 5.34.34 on U 14.04.5,



TCanvas::Update() indeed leaked in v6.04 and v6.06; but this was repaired for v6.08, as Otto confirmed. Are you certain you see a leak with v6.08, same rate? Which platform is this on?

Cheers, Axel.

I confirm the problem is solved with ROOT-6.08/00 in CentOS 7.2.1511

I guess I did not link properly against that version when testing.

Thanks for you help