Hi. I am very new to root and to C++ itself. I apologize in advance if this might be a stupid question, but I am trying to fill out a 2-D histogram from the contents of two 1-D histograms.
I have attached my code which is basically a root macro. The relevant portions of the macro are here:
Here’s where I declare my histograms :
TH1D *myh = new TH1D("myh","pmtrack",1000,0,0.04);
TH1D *myh2 = new TH1D("myh2","theta",1000,0.0,90.0);
TH2D *h3 = new TH2D("h3","Number of tracks;Energy (GeV);Theta Angle (degrees)",1000,0,0.04,1000,0,90);
Here is where I fill out the two 1D histograms in the two FOR loops :
//FOR loop to go over the contents of the vectors and print them out
for (auto const& c : mctruth_vec){
std::cout << c << ' ';
double myE = c.GetParticle(0).E();//Energy of incoming electron
for(Int_t j=1; j<=track_vec.size(); j++)
cout << "Initial Energy of the particle = "<< myE << ' '<<" GeV"<<endl;
//FOR loop to go over the contents of the vectors and print them out
for (auto const& c : track_vec){
std::cout << c << ' ';
double mytheta= c.Theta(); //Theta angle of the track
for(Int_t j=1; j<=track_vec.size(); j++)
cout << "Theta angle of the track = "<< mytheta << ' '<<" degrees"<<endl;
Now I want to fill out the 2-D histogram with the number of tracks as a function of both energy and theta angle.I have already drawn the two 1-D histograms as seen in the screenshot attached.
But the problem is I need a FOR loop in which I can go over the contents of both the vectors , that is , mctruth_vec and track_vec. I don’t understand how can I do that in a single FOR loop. Is there a much easier way of doing this?
Please let me know if you need any more information.Thank you very much
demo_ReadHits.C (7.3 KB)