Likelihood test as a goodness of fit

Hi All,

I am trying to do a compatibility study between some data and the associated Monte Carlo. I have done the Kolmogorov Test and I would like to compare these results to a likelihood approach.

This is the approach I am using:
I have two histograms. One is the data with errors and the other is a Monte Carlo with errors. They contain event counts in custom binning. The number of events is quite low (~500) and the errors are quite large on the data.

This is the code I used for the data:

        //dataEvents is a TH1D that consists of 8 bins and event counts with errors.
        double dataEventCount = dataEvents->Integral();
        RooRealVar x("x", "x", 0, 200);
	RooDataHist data("data", "data", x, dataEvents);
	RooHistPdf pdfData("pdf", "pdf", x, data, 0);
	RooAbsReal* nllData = pdfData.createNLL(data);

I do something similar for the MC but I generate Toys (number of MC events from histogram) and repeat multiple times to get a distribution of nll values. I fill a histogram “ts” with the nll values. With the goal of integrating from the nllData value to the end to give me a P value.

       //mcHist is a TH1D that consists of 8 bins and event counts with errors.
       double mcEventCount = mcEvents->Integral();
       RooHistPdf pdfMc("pdf1", "pdf1", x, mcHist, 0);
       TH1D* ts = new TH1D("MC-likelihood-Dist", "MC-likelihood-Dist", 10000, 0, 5000);
       Double_t tempNll = 0;
       for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5000; i++)
		RooDataHist *toyMCDataGen = pdfMc.generateBinned(x, mcEventCount);
		nllMc = pdfMc.createNLL(*toyMCDataGen);
		tempNll = nllMc->getVal();
		if (TMath::Finite(tempNll) == 1)

I have some questions regarding this approach:

  1. Is it possible to do a single model likelihood test like this? Normally the likelihood is used in a likelihood ratio test.
  2. I get a nllData value that is higher than the MC nll distribution (out of the range entirely) which suggests P=0 but I know this is not the case from the Kolmogorov test. How should I be normalising the histograms?
  3. The data event count is not quite equal to the MC event count… This will affect the likelihood value which should give an indication of compatibility. Is this statement correct?
  4. The area under the MC nll distribution on the right hand side of the data nll value should give the P-Value. Assuming that the data nll value falls within the MC nll distribution.

Any clarification or help would be appreciated!



First of all you cannot use likelihood values for comparing data and MC. The likelihood values should not be used as a test statistic.
There are several goodness of fit tests you can use, in particular, if I understood you well, you want to do a non-parametric test.
If you have binned data, the KS test is not so good. Use instead a chi2 test or you can try also to use the Anderson-Darling test. Recently I have added it a binned version for the histograms, see … rlingTest/
Note however the test works if your histograms are unweighted. If, for example the MC histogram has been weighted, then the only test you could use is probably the chi2 test.

Best Regards
