Lastest ROOT version issues with PyROOT on Mac M1


I just wanted to update to ROOT 6.26.2, with an M1 Mac with OS 11.6.6, Xcode 13.2.1 and command line tools 13.2. My final goal is to have a miniforge3 (or miniconda3) enviroment working with root. I’m going to detail what worked for me and what not. And I hope to get some help.


brew install root

When I install root with brew and then run root it works perfectly. But this configuration don’t let me use PyROOT from conda enviroment.

I installed miniforge3 for ARM Mac, installed root by: ’ conda install root ’ and all the required dependencies.
When I try to run root inside my conda enviroment I get the error at the end of this post.

Can you help me with this? Like a 50% of the code that I use on my PhD is written in PyROOT and I need it.

Thank you very much for your help and time.

(base) vicentegt@ironman:~ % root
input_line_1:1:2: error: module ‘Darwin’ uses additional module map
used when the module was built
input_line_1:1:2: note: imported by module ‘std’ in ‘/Users/vicentegt/miniforge3/lib/std.pcm’
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
Failed to extract C++ standard library version.
Warning in cling::IncrementalParser::CheckABICompatibility():
Possible C++ standard library mismatch, compiled with _LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION ‘1’
Extraction of runtime standard library version was: ‘’
input_line_2:1:2: fatal error: module file ‘/Users/vicentegt/miniforge3/lib/std.pcm’ is out of date and needs
to be rebuilt
#include “cling/Interpreter/RuntimeUniverse.h”
input_line_2:1:2: note: imported by module ‘Cling_Runtime_Extra’ in
input_line_2:1:2: note: imported by module ‘Cling_Runtime’ in
Replaced symbol atexit cannot be found in JIT!
Replaced symbol at_quick_exit cannot be found in JIT!
<<< cling interactive line includer >>>: fatal error: module file ‘/Users/vicentegt/miniforge3/lib/Darwin.pcm’ is out of date and
needs to be rebuilt
Failed to load module Darwin
Failed to load module std
Failed to load module _Builtin_intrinsics
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_C
Failed to load module ROOT_Config
Failed to load module ROOT_Rtypes
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_Stage1_NoRTTI
Failed to load module Core
Failed to load module Rint
Failed to load module RIO
Failed to load module MathCore
Failed to load module Hist
Failed to load module Darwin
Failed to load module Unfold
Failed to load module Imt
Failed to load module HistPainter
Failed to load module PyMVA
Failed to load module RHTTPSniff
Failed to load module RDAVIX
Failed to load module RHTTP
Failed to load module FitPanel
Failed to load module ROOTVecOps
Failed to load module ProofDraw
Failed to load module ROOTBrowsable
Failed to load module Quadp
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_Stage1_NoRTTI
Failed to load module GeomPainter
Failed to load module Genetic
Failed to load module Eve
Failed to load module TreeViewer
Failed to load module Physics
Failed to load module ROOTNTuple
Failed to load module EG
Failed to load module Tree
Failed to load module HistFactory
Failed to load module Spectrum
Failed to load module Matrix
Failed to load module Html
Failed to load module Hist
Failed to load module GuiHtml
Failed to load module _Builtin_intrinsics
Failed to load module Gpad
Failed to load module TMVAGui
Failed to load module ROOTEve
Failed to load module Fumili
Failed to load module Net
Failed to load module RGL
Failed to load module Geom
Failed to load module Postscript
Failed to load module GCocoa
Failed to load module ROOTGpadv7
Failed to load module RCsg
Failed to load module Cling_Runtime
Failed to load module SPlot
Failed to load module EGPythia8
Failed to load module GeomBuilder
Failed to load module RooFit
Failed to load module ROOT_Config
Failed to load module RooFitMore
Failed to load module Rint
Failed to load module XMLParser
Failed to load module MultiProc
Failed to load module RooStats
Failed to load module Proof
Failed to load module RooFitRDataFrameHelpers
Failed to load module FITSIO
Failed to load module Ged
Failed to load module Recorder
Failed to load module FFTW
Failed to load module GuiBld
Failed to load module Vc
Failed to load module ROOTWebDisplay
Failed to load module RooFitCore
Failed to load module Gui
Failed to load module SQLIO
Failed to load module XMLIO
Failed to load module ROOT_Rtypes
Failed to load module std
Failed to load module ROOTHistDraw
Failed to load module RIO
Failed to load module ProofPlayer
Failed to load module ROOTTMVASofie
Failed to load module ASImage
Failed to load module ROOT_Foundation_C
Failed to load module MathMore
Failed to load module RooFitHS3
Failed to load module Foam
Failed to load module RSQLite
Failed to load module SpectrumPainter
Failed to load module Minuit2
Failed to load module Core
Failed to load module MLP
Failed to load module ROOTDataFrame
Failed to load module GenVector
Failed to load module NetxNG
Failed to load module ROOTBrowserv7
Failed to load module Minuit
Failed to load module RootAuth
Failed to load module Graf3d
Failed to load module TMVA
Failed to load module ASImageGui
Failed to load module Graf
Failed to load module Gdml
Failed to load module ProofBench
Failed to load module Cling_Runtime_Extra
Failed to load module MathCore
Failed to load module Gviz3d
Failed to load module WebGui6
Failed to load module ROOTTPython
Failed to load module ROOTHist
Failed to load module TreePlayer
Failed to load module ROOTGraphicsPrimitives
Failed to load module Gviz
Failed to load module ROOTFitPanelv7
Failed to load module Smatrix
Failed to load module SessionViewer
Failed to load module Thread
Assertion failed: (clingInterp.getMacro(“gROOT”) && “Couldn’t load gROOT macro?”), function RegisterCxxModules, file /tmp/root-feedstock/miniforge3/conda-bld/root_base_1651432578484/work/root-source/core/metacling/src/TCling.cxx, line 1320.

ROOT Version: 6.26.2
Platform: MacOS BigSur 11.6.6

As it is a PyRoot related question @etejedor may have an idea.


Can it be a conflict between the two ROOT versions you installed (homebrew and conda)? Is it not an option to use PyROOT with the homebrew ROOT if that works?

@vvassilev what do you think those pcm errors are? Why is it asking to rebuild std.pcm?

I’ll try to remove all and only install root in conda and let’s see.

Regarding to use PyROOT with the brew root install, I don’t really know how to use it because in my programs with PyROOT I also use scipy, scikit-learn, numpy and other python stuff and I don’t know how could I import ROOT if it isn’t in my conda env.

Could you explain me how to link my root installed with brew to my conda env without ‘conda install root’? @etejedor

Thank you very much.

This pull request should have fixed this issue: Fix running with macOS 12.0+ SDK after building with an older SDK by chrisburr · Pull Request #10555 · root-project/root · GitHub

It will likely be fixed in the next patch release if you use root from conda. Until then, you can just compile it from source.

But @vvassilev I’m not on macOS 12+, I’m on 11.6.6.

Edit1: @etejedor I just removed xcode command line tools 13.2 and installed 13.0, and root work perfectly in compiled version and also works through miniforge3 and miniconda3. I’ve just tested my PyROOT codes and also work using spyder into my conda enviroment.

The point is that with xcode CLT 13.2, brew ROOT work perfectly fine. But root installed by conda doesn’t work with Xcode CLT 13.2. With Xcode CLT 13.0 both work, conda and brew root.


Ok thanks for the report, I am pinging @chrisburr so he’s aware too.

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