I tried it but the macro doesn’t run if I use that line…
I know that for predefined function the initial values are not needed…and it’s also written in the page of your link
The setting of the parameter initial values is automatic for the predefined functions : poln, expo, gaus, landau.
Anyway I agree that the problem was due to bad initial values because I tried to set initial conditions and now I get a good fit as you can see in this plot
The error is not zero. As you see in the printout is around 2E-5. It is maybe a display problem in the fit result that truncate the error. It should use a scientific notation in this case. Maybe open a GitHub issue for this.
The fit however is not so good, the chi2 is quite large.
For the initial conditions, I think for the landau one sets initial MPV and sigma according to histogram mean and standard deviation. However these values cannot be good for all the case. Having better initial conditions is often helpful
Thank you @moneta in this way I get the values printed on the terminal…but I meant if it’s possible to force to print in scientific notation in the stat box too…
Thank you