I’m trying to create plots with the Times New Roman font using PyROOT for my histograms. According to the official ROOT documentation on fonts (sorry, I cannot put the link because I am new to the forum), Times New Roman corresponds to font code 13. However, when I apply this font code, the axis labels are not displayed correctly, as shown in the screenshot below:
As a workaround, I’ve used font_code = 2
, but this is not the desired font. It’s important to mention that not all the fonts listed in the documentation seem to work—another example is Helvetica-BoldOblique (font code 7), which also doesn’t display correctly, similar to Times New Roman.
Here’s another screenshot showing the result with a font code of 2:
Below I provide the code.
font_code = 13
canvas5 = ROOT.TCanvas("canvas5", "Histograms", 800, 600)
# Histogram of DeltaQ CCD -DeltaQ Keithley
hist_DeltaDeltaQ = ROOT.TH1F("hist_DeltaDeltaQ", "", 20, np.min(DeltaDeltaQ), np.max(DeltaDeltaQ))
for value in DeltaDeltaQ:
hist_DeltaDeltaQ.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Charge difference (C)")
hist_DeltaDeltaQ.GetXaxis().SetLabelFont(font_code); hist_DeltaDeltaQ.GetXaxis().SetTitleFont(font_code)
hist_DeltaDeltaQ.GetYaxis().SetLabelFont(font_code); hist_DeltaDeltaQ.GetYaxis().SetTitleFont(font_code)
hist_DeltaDeltaQ.SetFillColor(ROOT.kRed); hist_DeltaDeltaQ.SetLineColorAlpha(ROOT.kRed,1)
# Save the histogram of DeltaQ to the same PDF using matplotlib's PdfPages
canvas5.Print('delta_charge_plot.eps') #and close pdf
ROOT Version: 6.32.00
Platform: linuxx8664gcc
Compiler: GCC