Dear all,
I’m creating a geometry with ROOT and saving it in a root file. When I visualize the geometry directly with openGL I can see all the colors that I specified for each volume. However, when I open the same root geometry with TEve or even with TBrowser, the geometry loses all its colors, and actually adds some weird colors for some parts.
Here’s my code for TEve:
TString projFile = "Geometry.root";
auto gEve = TEveManager::Create();
auto colorGLViewer = gEve->GetDefaultGLViewer();
colorGLViewer->SetGuideState(TGLUtil::kAxesOrigin, kTRUE, kFALSE, 0);
auto gGeo = gEve->GetGeometry(projFile);
auto tn = new TEveGeoTopNode(gGeo, gGeo->GetTopNode());
I’m adding screenshots for both cases, one directly with OGL, and the other with OGL inside TEve. Am I ignoring anything when calling the root geometry in TEve?
Many thanks in advance.