Is it possible to export data from a 2D histogram?

Hi, everybody!
I am new in ROOT and I have come up with some doubts about graphic analysis.
I have a pdf with a 2D Histogram, but i don’t have the .root or .c files with all the data to draw the graphic. Is there any way to get the coordinates and density based on the color from every point (or bin, i’m not sure which one is the correct name) on ROOT? I’ve even tried to analyse it on WebPlotDigitizer and PlotDigitizer, but they don’t work with the COLR option, only with 2D XY, so it’s not been very helpful.
Thank you all!

Hi Mariana,

Welcome to the ROOT Community!

I do not think this is really a ROOT-related question. I am not sure it’s possible at all, perhaps a way could be to try to parse the PDF somehow, but again, this would not be ROOT-related.
