Is it possible to easily invert the predefined color palettes? There are some great palettes predefined, but in my opinion they are defined backwards. For example, kCherry runs from black to white through red. This looks good for 3D renderings, but is confusing for 2D histograms rendered with the "COLZ" option as empty bins (or those below the minimum) and the maximum bins are nearly the same color. I’d like the colors to run from white to black through red. This is true for many others as well: kGreyScale, kCoffee, kPigeon, etc. In general it would easily “double” the available number of palettes.
I ran the palettes.C tutorial as well (with the additional TColor::InvertPalette() line) to give a nice comparison between inverted palettes and the regular ones, but I can’t upload pdfs here. So I attached a couple examples instead.
In the documentation you added, " The top of the palette becomes the bottom et vice versa." should read " The top of the palette becomes the bottom and vice versa."