I want to use IntegralError function for fit integral two TH1. For first TH1 IntegralError is ok. For second IntegralError return 0, but it is impossible. What to do?
A cdoe:
auto fitResult = MPi0Rho->Fit("tot", "LS", "", inf, sup);
auto covMatrix = fitResult->GetCovarianceMatrix();
auto BW2_Phi = [](const double* x, const double* p) -> double {
double E = x[0], E2 = E*E;
double M = p[5], M2 = M*M;
double G = p[6], G2 = G*G;
double gamma = sqrt( M2 * ( M2 + G2 ) );
double k = M_2_PI * M_SQRT2 * M * G * gamma / sqrt( M2 + gamma );
std::complex<double> bw( E2 - M2, M * G );
bw = sqrt(k)/bw;
bw = p[3] * bw;
return std::norm(bw);
TF1* phi = new TF1("BW_phi", BW2_Phi, 0.980, 1.058, 12);
phi->FixParameter(0, total->GetParameter(0));
phi->FixParameter(1, total->GetParameter(1));
phi->FixParameter(2, total->GetParameter(2));
phi->FixParameter(4, total->GetParameter(4));
phi->FixParameter(7, total->GetParameter(7));
phi->FixParameter(8, total->GetParameter(8));
phi->FixParameter(9, total->GetParameter(9));
phi->FixParameter(10, total->GetParameter(10));
phi->FixParameter(11, total->GetParameter(11));
phi->SetParameter(3, total->GetParameter(3));
phi->SetParameter(5, total->GetParameter(5));
phi->SetParameter(6, total->GetParameter(6));
cout << phi->Integral(0.98, 1.058) << endl
<< phi->IntegralError(0.98, 1.058, fitResult->GetParams(), covMatrix.GetMatrixArray()) << endl
<< N_phi << endl;
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