*i tried to have a integral under the pdf of a given range, but i didn’t success. Would you know what is the problem ?
here is an example :
let’s consider the RooRealVar EtCone40_over_pt which is defined in the range -0.5 and 1.5 :
//i have a pdf, which is a RooKeysPdfs : Pdf_Photon
//i would like to know the integral under the values 0.6 and 0.7 : it should much more below 1 since integral over the whole range is 1 :
RooAbsReal *fractionOfInt=Pdf_Photon->createIntegral(*EtCone40_over_pt,RooFit::NormSet(*EtCone40_over_pt),RooFit::Range(“integralRange”));
cout << “normalizeIntegral=” << fractionOfInt->getVal() << endl;
// when launching the program, i obtain 1 exactly for the subrange integral : impossible
would you know what i did wrong ?
*i tried to follow the recipe of RooFit Users manual v2.91-33, page 21, 22
of the RooExtendPdf
but when doing the fit, i obtain crazy results. By looking at the log, i see some “Blind” text, so maybe, i am wondering if by default a blind stuff is done. In this case, how to remove it ?
thank you