Inconsistent Info Message from SaveAs

Hello ROOTers, I am looking at log files from various runs of my ROOT code, and I am noticing that sometimes Info messages are printed about producing graphics files, and sometimes not. The graphics files are produced/updated anyways, but I’d like to find out why the messages are inconsistent.

Here is some test code in CINT, with output:

[code]* ROOT v5.34/03 *

root [0] TH1F h(“h”,“h”,10,0,10)
root [1] h.Fill(5)
root [2] h.Draw()
Info in TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas: created default TCanvas with name c1
root [3] c1->SaveAs(“testcanvas.png”)
root [4] c1->SaveAs(“testcanvas.png”)
Info in TCanvas::Print: png file testcanvas.png has been created
root [5] c1->SaveAs(“testcanvas.png”)
Info in TCanvas::Print: png file testcanvas.png has been created[/code]

The file testcanvas.png did not exist before doing this. It seems that the Info message is omitted when the file is actually created for the first time at [3], but printed when the file is overwritten at [4] and [5]. This is strange and contradicts the actual Info message.


Hi Jean-Francois,

Can you report this issue to JIRA?


this has been fixed recently:

root [0] hpx->Draw()
Info in <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>:  created default TCanvas with name c1
root [1] gPad->SaveAs("a.png");
Info in <TCanvas::Print>: png file a.png has been created
root [2]