I can't find history in ROOT

Hi everyone,

I not able to find my command root in history even I set :
Rint.HistSize: 500
Rint.HistSave: 400

what’s the cause?


Do you use:
Rint.History: $(HOME)/.root_hist

Hi Pepe,

Yes it’s already exist,


So, what do you get if you:
cat ${HOME}/.root_hist

Hi ,

when I brows the file I find this command “.x hsimple.C” it’s a ancient one,
after that I did other command but it seems that they are not saved

many thanks

hard to tell … if you do :

cat ~/.root_hist | tail

does it show the last commands you typed ?

Hi again,
here I type some commands and after I do cat ~/.root_hist | tail

Khalil01105-->root -l root [0] TH1F h1("h1","Histo from a Gaussian",100,-3,3); root [1] h1.FillRandom("gaus",10000); root [2] h1.Draw(); Info in <TCanvas::MakeDefCanvas>: created default TCanvas with name c1 root [3] .q Khalil01106-->cat ~/.root_hist | tail .x hsimple.C .x hsimple.C Khalil01107-->

Try (check lines which begin with “Rint.”):
root [0] gEnv->Print();
and try (make sure that this file is “readable” and “writable” by you):
ls -al ${HOME}/.root_hist

many thanks Pepe

it was an issue of permission to write in ${HOME}/.root_hist

cheers, Khalil.