I am not sure what the problem could be. Can you give more details on the procedure you used? As it seems an error in the interpreter may be @vvassilev and @Axel can help.
First of all: why do you try to build ROOT? You can install ROOT through conda, through your package manager, or if none of that works by download a pre-built binary. Compiling yourself should be the last option (You don’t compile Python yourself either )
Now, if compiling is really what you need to do then: the error message you get indicates a mismatch between your compiler and your binutils package, which usually means “your system is broken” or your compiler isn’t installed correctly.
Thank you for helping, I was following the instruction I found regarding installation of root in Windows with WSL, I was not aware of the fact that it can be installed via conda. I hope now I’ll be able to get it done. Thank you.