How to suppress _all_ error/warning output


I have a ROOT macro doing a lot of fits and integrals, I get an infinite amount of warning/error messages like

Error in <GSLError>: Error 18 in qags.c at 548 : cannot reach tolerance because of roundoff error
Warning in <TF1::IntegralOneDim>: Error found in integrating function fsb 
in [2.000000,3.000000] using AdaptiveSingular. Result = 1.378196 +/- 0.000000  - status = 18
Function Parameters = { p0=1.49879 p1=2.192 p2=0.014 p3=0.079 p4=0 p5=0 p6=0 p7=0 }

I’d like to suppress the output (since the integrals in general look reasonable) and therefore used the statements

gROOT->ProcessLine( "gErrorIgnoreLevel = 6001;");
gROOT->ProcessLine( "gPrintViaErrorHandler = kTRUE;");

This suppresses actually only the warning, however, I still get the output

Function Parameters = { p0=0.240863 p1=2.192 p2=0.014 p3=0.079 p4=0 p5=0 p6=0 p7=0 }
Function Parameters = { p0=0.709579 p1=2.192 p2=0.014 p3=0.079 p4=0 p5=0 p6=0 p7=0 }
Function Parameters = { p0=1.17672 p1=2.192 p2=0.014 p3=0.079 p4=0 p5=0 p6=0 p7=0 }

Is there a way to completely turn off this output?

Best regards and thanks,

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ROOT Version: 6.06/02
Platform: Debian linux
Compiler: Not Provided

Hi ,

Using gErrorIgnoreLevel = 6001 before calling TF1::Integral should silent all the error, warnings and info messages. However I see you are using a very old ROOT version, 6.06, so it is possible that some of the messages were not correctly controlled before.
Can you try with one of the latest version (e.g. 6.20 ? )


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