How to plot a RooDataSet with variable binning?

Compiler: gcc (GCC) 7.4.1 20190129
ROOT version: ROOT 6.14/09, built for linuxx8664gcc

Background info
Hi all, thanks in advance for any help. I’ve used the Combine statistical tool to generate some toys from the post-fit results of a two-dimensional maximum likelihood fit to data. The output of this method was sent to a file [1], which stored the results as a DataStore:

root [3] toys->Get("toy_1")->Print("V")
DataStore model_sData ()
  Contains 198 entries
    1)  jetmass_HIGH_default = 430  L(160 - 560) B(6)  "m_{#phi} (GeV)"
    2)       resmass_default = 2750  L(900 - 3500) B(9)  "m_{t#phi} (GeV)"
    3)   jetmass_SIG_default = 150  L(120 - 160) B(2)  "m_{#phi} (GeV)"
    4)   jetmass_LOW_default = 110  L(60 - 120) B(3)  "m_{#phi} (GeV)"
    5)           CMS_channel = SR_pass_SIG(idx = 4)
  Dataset variable "_weight_" is interpreted as the event weight

The 198 entries correspond to the 198 bins of the control and signal regions (SR_loose, and SR_pass), which are each divided into low- and high-mass sidebands (LOW/HIGH), as well as as a signal mass band (SIG) along the x-axis (jetmass_LOW/SIG/HIGH_default) of the distribution. These regions along x have different binnings (though they share boundaries) and are as follows:

  • LOW: [60,80,100,120] GeV
  • SIG: [120,140,160] GeV
  • HIGH: [160,180,200,220,260,300,560]

The binning along the y-axis (resmass_default) is variable, but the same for all regions in x:

  • [900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1700,2000,3500]

Here’s an example of what such a distribution looks like:

The problem
I’ve written a script [2] which performs the following steps:

  1. Loads the RooDataSet for the toy
  2. Creates variable-binning RooBinning objects for the LOW/SIG/HIGH x-axis binnings and the common y-axis binning as described above
  3. reduce()s the RooDataSets to consider only the signal region of the toy (SR_pass)
  4. Attempts to create a TH2 histogram from the RooAbsData objects from the reduce() operation

I am struggling with step 4. I’ve looked through the RooAbsData::createHistogram() documentation for my ROOT version, and I’m simply not familiar enough with RooFit to get this to work properly. The script is attached but is here as follows:

#include <TDirectoryFile.h>
#include <RooBinning.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace RooFit ; // Binning() calls

void plot() {
    TFile f("higgsCombine_TEST.GenerateOnly.mH120.123456.root","READ");
    TDirectoryFile *toys = dynamic_cast<TDirectoryFile*>(f.Get("toys"));
    RooDataSet* rds = (RooDataSet*)toys->Get("toy_1");
    // set up boundary arrays for the variable binnings in Y
    const Double_t y_bins_low[10] = {900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1700,2000,3500};
    const Double_t y_bins_sig[10] = {900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1700,2000,3500};
    const Double_t y_bins_high[10] = {900,1000,1100,1200,1300,1400,1500,1700,2000,3500};
    Int_t nBins_y = 9;
    // set up binning object for Y
    RooBinning rb_y_low(nBins_y, *y_bins_low, "y_low");
    RooBinning rb_y_sig(nBins_y, *y_bins_sig, "y_sig");
    RooBinning rb_y_high(nBins_y, *y_bins_high, "y_high");

    // set up boundary arrays for the variable binnings in X
    const Double_t x_bins_low[4] = {60,80,100,120};
    const Double_t x_bins_sig[3] = {120,140,160};
    const Double_t x_bins_high[7] = {160,180,200,220,260,300,560};
    Int_t nBins_x_low = 3;
    Int_t nBins_x_sig = 2;
    Int_t nBins_x_high = 6;
    // set up binning objects for X
    RooBinning rb_x_low(nBins_x_low, *x_bins_low, "x_low");
    RooBinning rb_x_sig(nBins_x_sig, *x_bins_sig, "x_sig");
    RooBinning rb_x_high(nBins_x_high, *x_bins_high, "x_high");

    // reduce the RooDataSets
    RooAbsData *low = (RooAbsData*)rds->reduce("CMS_channel==CMS_channel::SR_pass_LOW");
    RooAbsData *sig = (RooAbsData*)rds->reduce("CMS_channel==CMS_channel::SR_pass_SIG");
    RooAbsData *high = (RooAbsData*)rds->reduce("CMS_channel==CMS_channel::SR_pass_HIGH");

    // make a histogram from one as a test
    TH2F* h_low = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(low->createHistogram("jetmass_LOW_default,resmass_default",Binning(rb_x_low),Binning(rb_y_low)));

Obviously, this final line fails:

Processing plot.C...
In file included from input_line_8:1:
/home/amitav/JHU/TH/debugToys/plot.C:45:44: error: no matching member function for call to 'createHistogram'
    TH2F* h_low = dynamic_cast<TH2F*>(low->createHistogram("jetmass_LOW_default,resmass_default",Binning(rb_x_low),Binning(rb_y_low)));
/home/amitav/miniconda3/envs/TIMBER/include/RooAbsData.h:180:8: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'RooCmdArg' to 'const RooAbsRealLValue' for 2nd argument
  TH1 *createHistogram(const char *name, const RooAbsRealLValue& xvar,
/home/amitav/miniconda3/envs/TIMBER/include/RooAbsData.h:186:8: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'RooCmdArg' to 'const RooAbsRealLValue' for 2nd argument
  TH1 *createHistogram(const char *name, const RooAbsRealLValue& xvar, const RooLinkedList& argList) const ;
/home/amitav/miniconda3/envs/TIMBER/include/RooAbsData.h:187:8: note: candidate function not viable: no known conversion from 'RooCmdArg' to 'Int_t' (aka 'int') for 2nd argument
  TH1 *createHistogram(const char* varNameList, Int_t xbins=0, Int_t ybins=0, Int_t zbins=0) const ;

I’ve got a script to stitch the three independent TH2s afterwards, but being able to call createHistogram() with variable binning would be really helpful.

I’ve managed to create a histogram with constant bin widths via, e.g.,

TH2F* low = dynamic_cast<TH2*>(low->createHistogram("jetmass_LOW_default,resmass_default",10,10))

but my hope was to call the createHistogram() overload that takes in Binning(RooAbsBinning& binning) with my variable binnings. What are the proper arguments to do this? Is it even possible to create a histogram with variable binnings like this? I hope I’m just missing something simple in the createHistogram() call. I’ve attached the script and input root file for easy reproduction of the error.

Thanks a lot in advance, and please let me know if anything is unclear.


[1] higgsCombine_TEST.GenerateOnly.mH120.123456.root (85.6 KB)
[2] plot.C (2.1 KB)


I am adding @moneta and @jonas in the loop.


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Hi @ammitra, thanks for your question!

You are trying to use an overload of createHistogram() that was deprecated and removed. See the ROOT 6.28 release notes on deprecation and removal.

Furthermore, you are making a dangerous C++ mistake in all the RooBinning constructor calls, for example here:

RooBinning rb_y_low(nBins_y, *y_bins_low, "y_low");

You should not dereference the double* array with the star like *y_bins_low! Otherwise, you are not using the right constructor. Just pass y_bins_low. In general, it is better to use std::vector instead of C-style arrays in C++.

Also, I would not define 3 different binnings, because then it would be very difficult to plot the 3 histograms on the same plot. I would use the total binning to fill all 3 histograms, so they can be easily printed on the same canvas with the SAME option.

Finally, watch out for memory leaks of the reduces data objects. Either you delete them, you wrap the return values in a smart pointer.

So with all the suggestions in mind, here is what I would do.

void plot()
   using namespace RooFit; // YVar(), Binning() calls

   TFile f("higgsCombine_TEST.GenerateOnly.mH120.123456.root", "READ");
   TDirectoryFile *toys = f.Get<TDirectoryFile>("toys");
   RooDataSet *rds = toys->Get<RooDataSet>("toy_1");

   // set up binnings
   std::vector<double> y_bins{900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1700, 2000, 3500};
   std::vector<double> x_bins{60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 260, 300, 560};
   RooBinning rb_y(y_bins.size() - 1,, "rb_y");
   RooBinning rb_x(x_bins.size() - 1,, "rb_x");

   // reduce the RooDataSets
   std::unique_ptr<RooAbsData> low{rds->reduce("CMS_channel==CMS_channel::SR_pass_LOW")};
   std::unique_ptr<RooAbsData> sig{rds->reduce("CMS_channel==CMS_channel::SR_pass_SIG")};
   std::unique_ptr<RooAbsData> high{rds->reduce("CMS_channel==CMS_channel::SR_pass_HIGH")};

   // make a histogram from one as a test
   RooArgSet const &dataVars = *rds->get();
   RooRealVar &xvarLow = static_cast<RooRealVar &>(dataVars["jetmass_LOW_default"]);
   RooRealVar &xvarSig = static_cast<RooRealVar &>(dataVars["jetmass_SIG_default"]);
   RooRealVar &xvarHigh = static_cast<RooRealVar &>(dataVars["jetmass_HIGH_default"]);
   RooRealVar &yvar = static_cast<RooRealVar &>(dataVars["resmass_default"]);
   TH1 *h_low = low->createHistogram("myhist_low", xvarLow, YVar(yvar, Binning(rb_y)), Binning(rb_x));
   TH1 *h_sig = sig->createHistogram("myhist_sig", xvarSig, YVar(yvar, Binning(rb_y)), Binning(rb_x));
   TH1 *h_high = high->createHistogram("myhist_high", xvarHigh, YVar(yvar, Binning(rb_y)), Binning(rb_x));

   auto c1 = new TCanvas();
   h_low->Draw("COL Z");
   h_sig->Draw("SAME COL Z");
   h_high->Draw("SAME COL Z");

The output plot would look like this:

I hope that helps you to continue with your project.


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Hi @jonas,

Thank you so much for fixing the script and correcting my C++ mistakes. Μy biggest confusion was in how to invoke the createHistogram() overload that used the RooCmdArgs properly, and your script made it perfectly clear what to do.

Many thanks, and take care!


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