How to import "times signal" "dot or bigdot or bullet" when plotting pictures using TH1D class?

It seems not work when using “\cdot” or “bigdot” or “bullet”? what is the exact importing?

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ROOT Version: 6.24/04
Platform: Ubuntu 20.04
Compiler: Gcc 9.3.0

Can you be more specific and provide a few lines of code showing what you are doing ?

I want to import the “times signal” like on the picture when plotting figures using TH1D class, i used
it seems all above do not work
here is the codes:
hist1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(“B_{E} \bullet E/s^{-1}”);
hist1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(“B_{E} \cdot E/s^{-1}”);
hist1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle(“B_{E} \bigdot E/s^{-1}”);

void dot(){
   auto h = new TH1D("h","h",10,0,10);
   h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("B_{E} \\cdot E/s^{-1}");

Screenshot 2021-08-25 at 09.41.07


void dot(){
   auto h = new TH1D("h","h",10,0,10);
   h->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("B_{E} #bullet E/s^{-1}");

Screenshot 2021-08-25 at 09.42.19

see TLatex documentation and in particular the interface to TMathText.


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