How to implement non trivial Gaussians

Dear Experts,
I found the expression


on this document: … t_3.00.pdf

Is there a different way to make such an expression because
I’m working with the member functions like:
RooGenericPdf* pdfName1 = …
RooAbsPdf* pdfName2 = …
RooRealVar* nameVar …
and I wouldn’t know how to use “factory”.

Basically I would like to implement this pdf:

exp(- ((3*(1-(1/2 + TMath::ATan(FlS) / TMath::Pi()))/(7-3*(1/2 + TMath::ATan(FlS) / TMath::Pi())) * (1/2 + TMath::ATan(FsS) / TMath::Pi()))-mean_FsS) *
((3*(1-(1/2 + TMath::ATan(FlS) / TMath::Pi()))/(7-3*(1/2 + TMath::ATan(FlS) / TMath::Pi())) * (1/2 + TMath::ATan(FsS) /
TMath::Pi()))-mean_FsS) / (2sigma_FsSsigma_FsS))

which is essentially a Gaussian with a non trivial “x” variable.

Many thanks,

  • Mauro.