How to do overlapping histogram

Hi I am having trouble with overlapping 3 Histograms in one drawing. Do you have any documentation or could you provide input on my code:

void Distribution(){
TRandom3 a;
TH1D *h = new TH1D(“h”, “h”, 100, 500, 600);
for(int i = 0; i<100000; i++){
double val1 = a.Gaus(550, 16);
//double val2 = a.Gaus(550, 8);
//double total = val1+val2;
TH1D *f = new TH1D(“f”, “f”, 100, 500, 600);
for(int i = 0; i<100000; i++){
//double val1 = a.Gaus(550, 16);
double val2 = a.Gaus(550, 8);
//double total = val1+val2;
TH1D *d = new TH1D(“d”, “d”, 100, 500, 600);
for(int i = 0; i<100000; i++){
double val1 = a.Gaus(550, 16);
double val2 = a.Gaus(550, 8);
double total = val1+val2;
TH1D *c = new TH1D(“c”, “Overlap”, 100, 500, 600);
c->Add(h, f, d);


You draw the 1st histogram without any option and all the next Draw with option “SAME”…
Or use THStack.

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