ROOT Version: 6.24.00 Platform: Windows 10 Compiler: Not Provided
i am totally new with using Windows 10 (but i am familiar with g++,root on linux). I need to compile on windows 10 a c++ project with a Makefile coming from linux. On windows 10 Pro, i succeeded to install root 6.24 and visual studio 2019, but now i am wandering how to proceed.
Thanks for the answer,
but at that moment, this is not clear for me what it means?
Is it for Windows?
Is it some command that i have to write somewhere?
Thanks, but sorry i was not clear. This is not on linux but on windows. as i said i am familiar with linux but totally new with windows that seems different, so i am just asking for simple but precise helps, if possible, on “how to compile a root project with Makefile on windows 10”. A kind of step by step help, just for starting. Thanks.
Following INSTALL, I open a command window, and do:
cd Downloads
mkdir builddir
cd builddir
cmake ../root
At that point i get the error message: “directory root does not exists”.
Indeed there is no directory called root it is called root-master (may be this is a typo in INSTALL), so i do instead: cmake ../root-master
After few lines there is the following error:
So following this post i do instead: cmake ../root-master -Dclad=OFF
and everything seems to be done correctly. Is it a typo in INSTALL?
Then i do: cmake --build .
It works. The next step is execute bin/thisroot.bat
as explained here
(but not said in the INSTALL file)
The next step is: 4) try running root: root
But there is no such binary file??
So i skip this, and try to compile the test programs:
I open a terminal called: “developer command prompt VS 2019”, and in the directory of test , i write: nmake
It gives this error:
I found in this post that win32.mak is provided by Windows SDK. So i have installed windows SDK and re-installed Visual Studio so that he may find win32.mak. But still i have the same error. Somebody has an idea?
PS: My computer is a recent XPS13 (64 bits), so i am surprised to need win32. I am using Windows 10 on a virtual machine under ubuntu 20.04: virt-manager KVM as explained here. My objective is to export some c++ project that uses root from linux, to the Windows 10 platform.
Why -Dclad=OFF? Here is the correct configuration:
cmake -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 -Thost=x64 -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON ../root-master
This is not enough. On Windows you must specify the configuration (e.g. Debug or Release):
cmake --build . --config Release
And make sure you run in a x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019.
Please try again and check if there is any error message at the end of the build
There is one thing that I don’t understand now. Is ROOT 6 built with MVC on Windows still only a 32-bit x86 application, or can it be built as a proper 64-bit x86_64 one?