How to compile a c++ file on windows 10 using root and Makefile?

Thanks, so i try to do this:

  1. i download root
  2. Following INSTALL, I open a command window, and do:
cd Downloads
mkdir builddir
cd builddir
cmake ../root

At that point i get the error message: “directory root does not exists”.
Indeed there is no directory called root it is called root-master (may be this is a typo in INSTALL), so i do instead:
cmake ../root-master
After few lines there is the following error:

So following this post i do instead:
cmake ../root-master -Dclad=OFF
and everything seems to be done correctly. Is it a typo in INSTALL?
Then i do:
cmake --build .
It works. The next step is execute
as explained here
(but not said in the INSTALL file)
The next step is: 4) try running root:
But there is no such binary file??
So i skip this, and try to compile the test programs:
I open a terminal called: “developer command prompt VS 2019”, and in the directory of test , i write:
It gives this error:

For the moment, i find very difficult to use root on windows 10. But i have still hopes… If someone can help me please?