How to add TGraphs onto divided canvas in pyroot?

Hi, I’m new to ROOT and I can’t find a solution to my problem. I need to put several plots onto one canvas, but i end up having strange results (e.g only one pad has a graph, but the other one is empty)

Here is a piece of code responsible for drawing:

def draw_channel(self, spectr):
		spectrum = spectr
		data     = spectrum.data_mean
		data_fit = spectrum.fitting

		pave = ROOT.TPaveText(700, 150, 1119, 322)

        Adding text to pave

		fit    = ROOT.TGraph()
		no_fit = ROOT.TGraph()

        Adding points to TGraphs


		return no_fit, fit, pave

def draw_subplots(self): 
		C = ROOT.TCanvas("C", "canvas", 1920,1080)

		spread = self.spectrums # a list that contains spectrum objects

		Nx, Ny = 2, 2
		Margin = 0.005

		for indx, spectr in enumerate(spread, 1):
			nf, f, p = self.draw_channel(spectr)

And this is what I get

What I want

Thanks in advance

ROOT Version: 6.28/04 (python 3.10.12)
Platform: Linux

Make sure indx goes frmo 1 to 4 in this case.

It goes from 1 to 3. The fact that the index doesn’t reach 4 breaks the plotting?

No, just values outside that range. To really make sure, print out the values just before using them.

As I’ve said it goes from 1 to 3, and making canvas cd to 4 doesn’t do anything

Welcome to the ROOT forum.

You script does not seems complete.
Here is a trivial one doing what you want. It works.

   auto g1 = new TGraph();
   auto g2 = new TGraph();
   auto g3 = new TGraph();


   auto c = new TCanvas();
   c->cd(1); g1->Draw("A*");
   c->cd(2); g2->Draw("A*");
   c->cd(3); g3->Draw("A*");
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Thanks for the reply. Here what I’ve done to fix this issue:

def draw_channel(self, spectr):
		spectrum = spectr
		data     = spectrum.data_mean
		data_fit = spectrum.fitting
		fit    = ROOT.TGraph()
		no_fit = ROOT.TGraph()

        Adding points to TGraphs

		# Not drawing here but returning TGraph objects below 

		return no_fit, fit

def draw_subplots(self): 
		C = ROOT.TCanvas("C", "canvas", 1920,1080)

		spread = self.spectrums # a list that contains spectrum objects

		Nx, Ny = 2, 2
		Margin = 0.005

		sav = [] # added to save TGraph objects so they wouldn't be deleted by garbage collector 
		for indx, spectr in enumerate(spread, 1):
			nf, f= self.draw_channel(spectr)
			sav.append([nf, f])

And paves got stacked together because I placed them in one spot when initializing