Hi experts!
I’m root beginner.
I try to draw crystal1:crystal2 scatter plot. However, it comes out as undeclared identifier ‘tree’ as shown in the picture below. What is the problem?
and this is the data structure. Branches are numbered from crystal1 to crystal8.
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// TFile *f = TFile::Open("mrgd_M001506.root.000");
// TTree *ntp; f->GetObject("ntp", ntp);
ntp->Draw("some_leaf : other_leaf");
Thanks for reply!
What is ntp?
And actually I want to draw a scatter plot of the coincident events of crystal 2_energy and crystal 1_energyD,crystal3_energyD,crystal4_energyD,crystal6_energyD,crystal7_energyD.
In other words, the x-axis is crystal 2_energy , and the y-axis is crystal 1, 3, 6, 7_energyD.
What should i do?
The name of your tree is “ntp
Attach the output of: ntp->Print();
There are so many branches, can I just pick one and show it? For crystal 1
*Br 12 :crystal1 : nc/I:t0/F:t1/F:rqc/F:rqcp/F:rqcn/F:qtail/F:qc/F:qc1/F: *
| qc1_5/F:qc2/F:qc3/F:qc4/F:qc5/F:qc50/F:qc50_100/F:qc100_200/F: *
| qc200_400/F:qc400_1000/F:mt/F:x1/F:x2/F:tzero/F:nmt30/F:nmt300/F:*
| nmt500/F:nmt1000/F:nmt1500/F:nmt2000/F:nq30/F:nq300/F:nq500/F: *
| nq1000/F:nq1500/F:nq2000/F:nx1/F:nx2/F:nx2_80/F:nx2_120/F: *
| cr_50/F:cr_100/F:cr_150/F:energy/F:energyD *
*Entries : 133495 : Total Size= 23504480 bytes File Size = 1432798 *
*Baskets : 59 : Basket Size= 6665216 bytes Compression= 16.40 *
Try maybe: ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal2.energy");
1 Like
Thank you for reply !
So can i draw crystal1.energyD :crystal2.energy, crystal1.energyD :crystal3.energy, crystal1.energyD :crystal4.energy in one plot? I wanna see coincident event between crystal 1 and other crystals.
June 21, 2021, 10:18am
That will produce 3 scatter plots. If you what to have these 4 variable in one single plot you can do:
That will produce a 3D scatter for 3 variables and the 4th one will be map on the current colormap.
// TFile *f = TFile::Open("mrgd_M001506.root.000");
// TTree *ntp; f->GetObject("ntp", ntp);
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 900, 300);
c->Divide(3, 1);
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal2.energy");
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal3.energy");
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal4.energy");
Thanks for reply. But i want to overlap it one spectrum. With out dividing the canvas.
June 23, 2021, 9:13am
// TFile *f = TFile::Open("mrgd_M001506.root.000");
// TTree *ntp; f->GetObject("ntp", ntp);
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 900, 300);
c->DrawFrame(x1,y1,x2,y2); // make sure x1,y1,x2,y2 are wide enough
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal2.energy","","SAME");
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal3.energy","","SAME");
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal4.energy","","SAME");
// TFile *f = TFile::Open("mrgd_M001506.root.000");
// TTree *ntp; f->GetObject("ntp", ntp);
Double_t xmin = ntp->GetMinimum("crystal1.energy");
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ntp->GetMinimum("crystal2.energy"));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ntp->GetMinimum("crystal3.energy"));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ntp->GetMinimum("crystal4.energy"));
Double_t xmax = ntp->GetMaximum("crystal1.energy");
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ntp->GetMaximum("crystal2.energy"));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ntp->GetMaximum("crystal3.energy"));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ntp->GetMaximum("crystal4.energy"));
Double_t ymin = ntp->GetMinimum("crystal1.energyD");
Double_t ymax = ntp->GetMaximum("crystal1.energyD");
gStyle->SetCanvasPreferGL(1); // needed for color transparency
Double_t alpha = 0.25; // e.g. 0.25 or 0.33 or 0.5
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas("c", "c");
c->DrawFrame(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax,
"all crystals;crystal*.energy;crystal1.energyD");
ntp->SetMarkerColorAlpha(kBlack, alpha);
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal1.energy", "", "same");
ntp->SetMarkerColorAlpha(kRed, alpha);
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal2.energy", "", "same");
ntp->SetMarkerColorAlpha(kGreen, alpha);
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal3.energy", "", "same");
ntp->SetMarkerColorAlpha(kBlue, alpha);
ntp->Draw("crystal1.energyD : crystal4.energy", "", "same");
1 Like
I don’t know why you use this code
Double_t xmin = ntp->GetMinimum("crystal1.energy");
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ntp->GetMinimum("crystal2.energy"));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ntp->GetMinimum("crystal3.energy"));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ntp->GetMinimum("crystal4.energy"));
Double_t xmax = ntp->GetMaximum("crystal1.energy");
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ntp->GetMaximum("crystal2.energy"));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ntp->GetMaximum("crystal3.energy"));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ntp->GetMaximum("crystal4.energy"));
Double_t ymin = ntp->GetMinimum("crystal1.energyD");
Double_t ymax = ntp->GetMaximum("crystal1.energyD");
June 24, 2021, 6:39am
To compute the DrawFrame
’s parameters.
Is this a necessary process? Can’t we just use the range when drawing on the canvas?
Double_t xmin
I follow the code but it shows
Error in TCanvas::Range : illegal world coordinates range: x1=0.000000, y1=-0.125000, x2
=0.000000, y2=1.125000
Error in TCanvas::RangeAxis : illegal axis coordinates range: xmin=0.000000, ymin=0.0000
00, xmax=0.000000, ymax=1.000000
JIT has not been linked in.
TChain *ch = new TChain(“ntp”);
char filename[300];
for (int i=1; i<=578; i++){
TString datadir = “/data/COSINE/MRGD/phys/V00-04-04/”;
Double_t xmin = ch->GetMinimum(“crystal2.energyD”);
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ch->GetMinimum(“crystal1.energyD”));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ch->GetMinimum(“crystal3.energyD”));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ch->GetMinimum(“crystal4.energyD”));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ch->GetMinimum(“crsytal6.energyD”));
xmin = TMath::Min(xmin, ch->GetMinimum(“crystal7.energyD”));
Double_t xmax = ch->GetMaximum(“crystal2.energyD”);
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ch->GetMaximum(“crystal1.energyD”));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ch->GetMaximum(“crystal3.energyD”));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ch->GetMaximum(“crystal4.energyD”));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ch->GetMaximum(“crystal6.energyD”));
xmax = TMath::Max(xmax, ch->GetMaximum(“crystal7.energyD”));
Double_t ymin = ch->GetMinimum(“crystal2.energy”);
Double_t ymax = ch->GetMaximum(“crystal2.energy”);
TCanvas *c = new TCanvas(“c”,“c”);
c->DrawFrame(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, “Coincident event”);
TFile o(“C2_Coincidentevent_1544.root”,“RECREATE”);
This is the code i wrote.
June 24, 2021, 9:13am
What are the values of xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax just before calling DrawFrame ?
You mean the values of energy? I couldn’t understand your question.
June 24, 2021, 9:29am
No, I mean check the values you pass to DrawFrame. They seems not correct.
Put the following line just before DrawFrame to check:
printf("xmin = %g, ymin = %g, xmax = %g, ymax = %g",xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax);