Please read tips for efficient and successful posting and posting code
ROOT Version: 6.24.02 (pyROOT)
Platform: Linux WSL1
Compiler: Not Provided
Good morning ROOT experts,
I want to ask regarding a possible bug
that I am facing, when trying to ‘Get’ a histogram whose name includes “/”
but is not in any directory.
I re-produce this behaviour if I do the following:
file = ROOT.TFile.Open("test.root","RECREATE")
hist = ROOT.TH1F( '/a/test', '', 100, -4, 4 )
file = ROOT.TFile.Open("test.root","READ")
returns: <cppyy.gbl.TH1F object at 0x(nil)>
This appears to be a null-pointer.
The histogram is clearly visible and functioning in the TBrowser,
however I cannot seem to be able to escape the “/” character to ‘.Get’
it from the file. Perhaps ROOT is trying to find directories with that structure
and fails to find them thus returning a null-pointer?
Please excuse this post if this is mentioned as a no-go somewhere in the documentation.
Thank you very much in advance,