Histogram overlay in web based TBrowser


I am using root --web and TBrowser on a web browser.

It would be nice to be able to overlay several histograms of same type and size. In the old TBrowser, one could select (click) the option “same” in the style menu. I do not see such an option in the chrome based TBrowser. Perhaps I am “not seeing it…” or perhaps this capability is no longer available… but it would be nice to have…


_ROOT Version: 6.32
Platform: Mac OS 15.1.1 (24B91)
Compiler: Not Provided


Thanks for the interesting post.
Adding @linev in the loop.


At least on 6.32.08, if you click on the gears at the top right of the window, it opens the “RBrowser settings”, where you can find “Append to canvas (use SAME)”.

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Haaa yes… A bit unintuitive… But it does indeed work… Thank you kindly.

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