Histogram has white lines through it

Since I upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10, whenever I display a histogram horizontal white lines are shown in the image. I’ve tried this with versions 5.18 and 5.24b, and both have the same issue. Even rebuilding root does not get rid of the issue. The location and width of the horizontal lines vary depending on the histogram, and the region displayed. Theattached image is a representative example.


I have Ubuntu 9.10 and didn’t see the issue yet. Can you store this canvas in a ROOT file (File->Save->xyz.root) and post it, please?

Cheers, Axel.

That’s really weird. Are you running in batch or in interactive mode ?

This is done in interactive mode. I’ve attached a .root output from a plot. The problem occurs for any histogram trying to be displayed, and the horizontal white lines change position and width each time.
test.root (22 KB)

It must be something connected to your X11 server… It works fine for me on my linux desktop.
I guess it is fine when you save the canvas in a PS file ? Saving in a gif or png may show the white bands in interactive mode (I guess you generated the picture you sent that way), but should be fine when you generate it in batch mode.


works fine for me. So it’s either a graphics card or a X11 issue. Can you check with Ubuntu whether it has already been reported and if not report it yourself? Let us know whether we can help the Ubuntu folks in any way.

Cheers, Axel.