H2root - only zeros in integer branches after conversion

Dear ROOT Experts,

I am converting column-wise-ntuples from HBOOK files to ROOT with h2root. If worked fine with older versions of ROOT, then with 5.34/25 h2root was crashing (on several Ubuntu/Debian machines) - probably due to this issue:
sft.its.cern.ch/jira/si/jira.is … -6937.html

Indeed, in ROOT version 5.34/26 h2root does not crash anymore. However, the produced root tree is not correct. All tree branches whose type after conversion is UChar_t contain only zeros. The original ntuples contain correct values and they were converted correctly with h2root from older ROOT versions (for instance, 5.32/04).

The original columns of the ntuples are all of INTEGER type, but after conversion with h2root some of them are made UChar_t and some Int_t. The problem seems to concern all columns which were converted to UChar_t, but also some of those which became Int_t.

I believe this problem must be related to the change to ‘exchange mode’ described in the above link. Do you know what may be the reason for this behavior? Also, for a possible workaround it would be useful to know what are the rules for converting an integer ntuple column to either UChar_t or Int_t type. Is this described somewhere?

Thank you in advance!

Can you post a small hook file having this problem ?

I am sorry for the delay, but I finally managed to extract a minimal example of the problem.
The below program can be used to produce a HBOOK file containing a simple CWN with 3 REAL and 3 INTEGER columns. The columns are filled with non-zero values as the program shows.

      Program create
      REAL A,B,C
      INTEGER        Nhmax, Nrvar, i, Ista, ic
      Parameter (Nhmax = 100000)
      INTEGER  Hmemor(Nhmax)
      Common /Pawc/ Hmemor
      Common /P/   A,B,C,D,E,F
      Call Hlimit(Nhmax)
      Call Hropen(10,'P1','simple.ntu','N',1024,Ista)
      Call Hbnt(1,'Test','D')
C     float columns
      Call Hbname(1,'P1',A,'A:r')
      Call Hbname(1,'P1',B,'B:r')
      Call Hbname(1,'P1',C,'C:r')
C     integer columns
      Call Hbname(1,'P1',D,'D:i')
      Call Hbname(1,'P1',E,'E:i')
      Call Hbname(1,'P1',F,'F:i')
      Do I=1,10
C     fill float columns
         A = Float(I)
         B = Float(10*I)
         C = Float(100*I)
C     fill integer columns
         D = I
         E = 10*I
         F = 100*I
         Call Hfnt(1)
      Call Hrout(0,IC,'')
      Call Hrend('P1')

The values in the HBOOK file investigated with PAW are correct. Now if simple.ntu is converted with h2root from ROOT 5.34/26 (on Linux x86_64, with gfortran 4.9.2), the float columns are fine, but the integer ones are filled with zeros only. Conversion on a machine with older ROOT 5.32/04 (Linux x86_64, gfortran 4.6.3) yields a .root file with all values correct.

I just converted your hbook file into a root file using h2root on Mac.

ROOT 5.34/26, 6.02/05, 6.03/03 give me:

root [3] h1->Scan()
*    Row   *         A *         B *         C *         D *         E *         F *
*        0 *         1 *        10 *       100 *         1 *        10 *       100 *
*        1 *         2 *        20 *       200 *         2 *        20 *       200 *
*        2 *         3 *        30 *       300 *         3 *        30 *       300 *
*        3 *         4 *        40 *       400 *         4 *        40 *       400 *
*        4 *         5 *        50 *       500 *         5 *        50 *       500 *
*        5 *         6 *        60 *       600 *         6 *        60 *       600 *
*        6 *         7 *        70 *       700 *         7 *        70 *       700 *
*        7 *         8 *        80 *       800 *         8 *        80 *       800 *
*        8 *         9 *        90 *       900 *         9 *        90 *       900 *
*        9 *        10 *       100 *      1000 *        10 *       100 *      1000 *

Thank you for checking this. May I ask which Fortran compiler you are using to build ROOT?

I believe that my issue must be related to the new gfortran compiler (similarly as the h2root crash from the link above). I have checked that h2root from ROOT 5.34/26 converts my ntuples correctly if I build it with gfortran 4.6 rather than 4.9 (which is now default in my distribution).

$ gfortran --version
GNU Fortran (GCC) 4.2.3
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

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You may redistribute copies of GNU Fortran
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